Media Nam Pham's neurological damage from fighting

Well it has been a slow moving train crash with episodes now and then during a decade.
I guess he really wanted this because there where hardly any money to be earned.
We should be happy for him!
Both porn and fighting will draw in people on a self-destructo bust.
I always turn my tv off when that happens like I am sure all sherdoggers do.
That is just the kinda guys we are. But not all people are like us.
Nam Spam

But jokes aside, wish him all the best
There is a genetic trait where some people take more damage from getting hit in the head than normal. I think they should screen for that trait and people who have it shouldn't do combat sports. I can't be certain that that's what happened here, but it seems pretty likely because even people who spar hard a lot don't usually show this level of brain damage
what i'm more interested in, is why he always has glassy eyes. i swear that was the first thing i thought of when i saw the video lol. he's someone i never thought would have lasted this long.
It's bad. I looked up more recent videos of him and there is a chat from 2023 where he is slurring and stuttering and his eyes go crossed several times. Really not good.