Naja & Venum shorts


White Belt
Mar 2, 2007
Reaction score
Has anyone used the Naja Extreme fight shorts? They are not bad looking although they do look like they have based their design around Koral Shorts.

Also does anyone know where i can get hold of the Venum Amazonia fight shorts (camo)? They were one of the first designs Venum had i originaly got them from dragonbleu a couple of years back but they have not had them in since then?
Naja Extreme
Has anyone used the Naja Extreme fight shorts? They are not bad looking although they do look like they have based their design around Koral Shorts.

Also does anyone know where i can get hold of the Venum Amazonia fight shorts (camo)? They were one of the first designs Venum had i originaly got them from dragonbleu a couple of years back but they have not had them in since then?
Naja Extreme

Hi Boliviano,

You are correct. The Naja Extreme shorts are very similar to the Koral VT Pro's. Similar cut, style and material. For looks, there are some slight differences like the types of stitching, and colours of material (waistband and shell). For size, the Koral VT Pro's are sized larger than most shorts at the waist(i.e. Large = 36" waist - Typically most shorts fall into the 34" waist for the Large size), however, they also have a full drawstring for securing at the waist. The Naja Extreme shorts are sized true to size with the traditional "tapered-in" Brazilian waist (meaning no drawstring at the waist). The length, width and slits an the legs are almost identical. Both brands of shorts are incredibly durable and very well made. We offer both brands here at RDFC and I would highly recommend either.

Regarding the Venum Amazonia shorts, I believe that they were discontinued by Venum. We carry a full selection of Venum Shorts here at RDFC, but we don't have that particular model. If they don't have them at Dragon Bleu, you probably won't find them anywhere. FYI... The Venum shorts are also styled similar to the Koral VT-Pro's.

I hope this helps.
Take Care,
Chris - Red Dragon Fight Company
Thanks Chris thats helped alot i'll be heading to your site for a pair of Najas then