News Mysterious drones over New Jersey

AI Copy pasta from interwebz

The systematic nature of these operations, combined with the focus on critical infrastructure and military installations, strongly supports a federal counter-WMD detection mission. The scale, sophistication, and security measures indicate a response to a credible threat. Each element of the analysis reinforces the others, creating a coherent explanation for the observed activity while maintaining strict adherence to known facts and logical inference.
That makes a lot of sense and is terrifying
Typhoons on the west coast and alien drones on the east

Time to move to Dubai or some shit
White House is panic wrestling:

"We have not been able to, and neither have state or local law enforcement authorities, corroborate any of the reported visual sightings.
To the contrary, upon review of available imagery, it appears that many of the reported sightings are actually manned aircraft that are being operated lawfully.”
“And importantly, there are no reported or confirmed drone sightings in any restricted airspace."

Typhoons on the west coast and alien drones on the east

Time to move to Dubai or some shit
Do you think if we could send enough drones in front of a hurricane miles out and slightly change the wind pressure, that we could change the hurricanes direction, like a slight nudge?
I wanna know what @senri thinks about this.

Mr. @Clippy is quite delectable, you would enjoy his taste. His flesh is quite unique when it finally begins to release and relax. The Nexus migrated softly deep inside of him a few years ago. He resists but it's already inside of him growing, and making him beautiful. He will become a part of the protocol in due time...

witness testimony, from anyone, is absolutely worthless with out proof. W.O.R.T.H.L.E.S.S.

Ive seen a hundred people post pictures of these "drones" and absolutely lose their mind, and its literally a picture of a plane. or a small light in the sky doing........nothing. something that could literally be a loose balloon reflecting light

Mass hysteria is a thing. and everyone wants to be special with their own personal UFO story

hell Ive seen my own but I dont talk about it ever because I dont want to be associated with people that immediately invoke interdimensional shape shifting telepathic aliens

hell Ive literally see people double down on the pictures of a normal ass plane and say the aliens are probably mimicking our technology to blend in. HOLY FUCK SEEK HELP
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witness testimony, from anyone, is absolutely worthless with out proof. W.O.R.T.H.L.E.S.S.

Ive seen a hundred people post pictures of these "drones" and absolutely lose their mind, and its literally a picture of a plane. or a small light in the sky doing........nothing. something that could literally be a lose balloon reflecting light

Or kids flying kites

wItNeSs tEsTiMoNy, FrOm aNyOnE, iS AbSoLuTeLy wOrThLeSs wItH OuT PrOoF. w.o.r.t.h.l.e.s.s.

iVe sEeN A HuNdReD PeOpLe pOsT PiCtUrEs oF ThEsE "dRoNeS" aNd aBsOlUtElY LoSe tHeIr mInD, aNd iTs lItErAlLy a pIcTuRe oF A PlAnE. oR A SmAlL LiGhT In tHe sKy dOiNg........NoThInG. sOmEtHiNg tHaT CoUlD LiTeRaLlY Be a lOoSe bAlLoOn rEfLeCtInG LiGhT

MaSs hYsTeRiA Is a tHiNg. AnD EvErYoNe wAnTs tO Be sPeCiAl wItH ThEiR OwN PeRsOnAl uFo sToRy

HeLl iVe sEeN My oWn bUt i dOnT TaLk aBoUt iT EvEr bEcAuSe i dOnT WaNt tO Be aSsOcIaTeD WiTh pEoPlE ThAt iMmEdIaTeLy iNvOkE InTeRdImEnSiOnAl sHaPe sHiFtInG TeLePaThIc aLiEnS

HeLl iVe lItErAlLy sEe pEoPlE DoUbLe dOwN On tHe pIcTuReS Of a nOrMaL AsS PlAnE AnD SaY ThE AlIeNs aRe pRoBaBlY MiMiCkInG OuR TeChNoLoGy tO BlEnD In. HoLy fUcK SeEk hElP

Can't they just use two or three good guy drones and kidnap the evil drone using a giant potato sack? You know this is the early stages of a homeland security attack. After the fact, those in charge will be saying, but but but we thought it was harmless and no evidence of evil attack preparation.