My town is targeting toxic masculinity...

That's the world I want to live in
TS is gonna probably have to give up training sambo and boxing.
It's like it's a crime to try and get laid these days.
And thanks for the pic, she's smokin.
We could get to the point where if any type of conservation is started, it'll have to be by women otherwise men will fear being accused of harassment. Do you honestly think women will be on board with always having to approach men all the time? Probably not.

However, that would make it easy for men. Do nothing and let women come to you to get laid, if they want to fuck they'll have to make the effort.
Yes, but then if you don't want to fuck them because they're ugly, bitchy, smelly, fat, have a penis (or whatever) then it's because of your toxic privilege patriarchy phobic abuse. #timesup #tetetoo
Want to call our masculinity 'toxic' until there's a fire or some maniac is chasing your scary ass. Then it's all, "there's no REAL MEN left in our society" when we don't do shit.

It's a story as old as time itself
I'm going to go back in time Terminator-style and eliminate Steve Jobs before he can invent the iPhone

Sometimes I read people's post with a certain extent. Like when conor makes news for incidents and someone post their critic I read it in a chef Ramsay voice.

Perhaps you read my above post in a southern American accent.

TS is gonna probably have to give up training sambo and boxing.

Still bitter bout the superiority of boxing sambo over bjj?

Hearing those French Canadian accents would drive me crazy. Also having to use my heater most of the year and shoveling snow just to go the gym.
If you shovel enough snow you don't need to go to the gym. Also there are some chicks with sexy ass French accents.
hmmm good point. What about getting sun? I need Sun almost daily.
I guess if you're not on either coast you can get a pretty decent summer.

Out here the shoulder seasons tend to drag on though. 0C and snowing where I am now.