My thoughts on Sage Northcutt, Bader vs Johnson, and the whole CM Punk debacle...

Dude, other than the DJ flub it was pretty good. I don't know if you are serious about fighting but on the vids keep mastering your craft and practicing. Ignore the haters.

Hey, I don't care what y'all say about me as long as you're talking about me. I fully intend to win you all over eventually.
Nobody's talking about you. People are only laughing at you in this thread.
Ryan Bader didn't fight Demetrious Johnson TS, just a heads up.
Well, the guy did have balls to post his video here. You know what? Fuck it. I'll watch your video, TS.
dude trim your mustache come on u look like Private Lahmstache
Check this out you pot smoking kia driving self important neck beard... Nobody is going to watch your shit.
I don't know who led you to believe this was imgur, but this isn't your personal video blog podcast. Go buy your own domain name and post your video blogs on Youtube where you're sure to get 9 views by the end of the month.

Hey man! ...
It's a Honda.
Otherwise, crushingly accurate.
How is that win win? Sage has been training in martial arts since he was 4. Just look the guy up in a simple Google search. Sage is legit. That fight would never get sanctioned. (Maybe in Texas because they are the kind of folk to hold a win over john cena and the undertaker very highly but that's it) But anywhere else no.

You took that way too seriously my friend.
Is TS the definition of an attention whore?
No, because I did not ask you to like and susceptive subscribe to my channel...
But hey! Now that you bring it up, you should go do that! More content to come soon!
Just ignore the haters TS,good job. I liked it