My numbers


Blue Belt
Dec 26, 2003
Reaction score
Today i squated 105kg (231Ibs) two times! Im so proud, this may sound like nothing to you monsters but for me it was a big step! I have always been the scrawny kid like 6'1 140 Ibs. Today im 170 and 6'1. Now i know im not the weakest anymore but i have a long way too go to reach your level but im fighting for it 4 times a week. I thank YOU guys for helping me too reach this level.

Squat 231 Ibs two times.
Bench 187 Ibs (i know it sucks)
Dead 330 Ibs
Great work, now make sure to set a new goal so you can destroy that one too.
I am concerned by such a large discrepancy between your squat and deadlift. When mine was that big (ok, the difference between my squat and deadlift was 150 lbs or so) I injured my back on squats cause my form was so bad (and I'm still weakened by it). Nice work on the PR, but really try to hammer down your form, remember it's all about driving your hips forward and you head back.
Thanks guys! Hey Urban maybe your right. I never had anyone too give me pointers because im working out at home but i've read alot about it and trying to have my back stragight and not to bring my knees infront of my toes. I Have no spotters either so i can get hurt pretty damn good if im doing it wrong. I have squated for let say... 3 years now and i have never had an injury yet (only smal tears in my back, old soccer injury). I feel fine but im maybe doing something wrong. I would have filmed it but i dont have a camera :S
Urban said:
I am concerned by such a large discrepancy between your squat and deadlift. When mine was that big (ok, the difference between my squat and deadlift was 150 lbs or so) I injured my back on squats cause my form was so bad (and I'm still weakened by it). Nice work on the PR, but really try to hammer down your form, remember it's all about driving your hips forward and you head back.

Haha I am worse then him. 130 difference here.

Sweet deal Pat. Why the hell haven't you been posting here much lately?
Tank you Sean. Im just learning from you guys, im just reading everday and dont have much to type, im sucking in all knowledge :D
good work. what is your sticking point in the deadlift and squat?
sorry, what is sticking point? Im swedish so i dont understand everything :D
i too am trying to keep my squat number close to my deadlift. I definatly feel more rounded by being equaly strong in both.
He is talking about where in the exercise are you having the most trouble completing the lift. Like if the initial pull from the floor is the weakest part in your deadlift or is it the lockout?
My sticking point in my deadlift is my grip, i feel that i can pull alot more if my hans would have been stronger. Im working on i though. My sticking point in squats are a few moments after i go parallel.
It seems like you have identified your weakness in the deadlift. I would suggest box squats for your squat. Basically, you squat onto a box, pause and explode off it (with good form of course). This should help your sticking point.
Thank you, sounds good. But then i need a strong box.... Hmm im gonna start looking for one, i dont have any money right now so i have too find one or build one and im not good at building stuff... hehe
PatrikX said:
Thank you, sounds good. But then i need a strong box.... Hmm im gonna start looking for one, i dont have any money right now so i have too find one or build one and im not good at building stuff... hehe

Hehe, I understand. You might try a metal crate of some kind a sturdy table of some kind or a wooden spool. With a little imagination, you should be able to come up with something.
Great work, keep it up.
"this may sound like nothing to you monsters but for me it was a big step! "

Just stop the negative talk dude. All that matters is what you lift, not anyone else. You did a great job. Keep training smart and you will be fine.
Thank you Duncon you got a point there.
Jay: Im just worried if it's not gonna hold and i would fall back and die hehe. Im gonna start looking for a box though.
boo, those numbers must be made up. i weigh and am round the same height as you and i have shittier numbers. WORK!

lol j/k good job