My girlfriend expects me to engage in a full conversation with her everyday

I speak with my gf quite a lot, but while watching television or doing some activities together, find a hobby, you can make excuses if you're too tired ahah
I have no problem with engaging in convo every day, she is my girlfriend afterall. But no she wants to engage in a FULL long hour (or longer) convo every fucking day.

Alot of times I try to avoid that by watching a tv show or movie with her but that still does not work.

Sometimes I just wanna get high keep to myself and enjoy each others presense without actually talking.

Does that make me a dick?
Ive picked up a trick where i zone out and reply with simple answer (yes, no, realy, you serious and so on) and when she ask "are you listening" i repeat the tkhe last 4 or so words she just spoke back back to her, then carry on doing what ever I was doing
If it is work for you, just tell her.
If u cant tell her, thats a shitty relationship.
Find her a gay guy to have conversations about stupid shit with. He can take her shopping as well.
Don't worry, she'll eventually get tired of trying to make you take an interest in her life.
I know right? Discussing shit on sherdog is so much better than trying to talk to a person in real life
It's very easy to ignore a woman if you have a decent income. Stop getting high all the time.

Those creatures are meant to serve you in the kitchen and bedroom only. There shouldn't be any full on conversations if you are well off or play your cards correctly.
Lol yes I learned that years ago. Funny you say that yesterday she said its like im a broken record and I give her the same exact answers every day

There's only one answer they want to hear. Yes dear.

What are you doing in the kitchen or what is she doing out of it?
reminds me of my stupid wife, she feels the need to talk about everything. If we have a disagreement she needs us to talk about why we are disagreeing. Stupid women can't just let bygones be bygones.

Why would you allow her to disagree with you?
My advice is, she'll develop a huge loyalty to you if you learn how to talk to her the way women like to talk to each other.
Reach for your internal femself.

Yes, talk shit about other women with her.
Is there ever a time you want sex and she says I don't feel like it? If you force her to then have sex that is rape.

So if she wants a conversation and you say I don't feel like talking. If she tries to proceed anyways call her a conversation rapist and tell her no means no
Yes, talk shit about other women with her.

Lmao this was the best advice. That shit would def work. Girls love talking shit about other bitches lol

Is there ever a time you want sex and she says I don't feel like it? If you force her to then have sex that is rape.

So if she wants a conversation and you say I don't feel like talking. If she tries to proceed anyways call her a conversation rapist and tell her no means no
Lmao this post was so cheesy and hilarious at the same time. You know what im actually gonna use this one day
The next thing you know she'll dump you because your smothering her. Women are crazy.