My girlfriend expects me to engage in a full conversation with her everyday

Well..... yeah. Welcome to relationships.
Look up something boring on the webs everyday and talk about that and she'll probably want to get high and watch him a movie too.
I have no problem with engaging in convo every day, she is my girlfriend afterall. But no she wants to engage in a FULL long hour (or longer) convo every fucking day.

Alot of times I try to avoid that by watching a tv show or movie with her but that still does not work.

Sometimes I just wanna get high keep to myself and enjoy each others presense without actually talking.

Does that make me a dick?

High maintenance. Get rid of her immediately.
reminds me of my stupid wife, she feels the need to talk about everything. If we have a disagreement she needs us to talk about why we are disagreeing. Stupid women can't just let bygones be bygones.
what was your username before this one?
I have no problem with engaging in convo every day, she is my girlfriend afterall. But no she wants to engage in a FULL long hour (or longer) convo every fucking day.

Alot of times I try to avoid that by watching a tv show or movie with her but that still does not work.

Sometimes I just wanna get high keep to myself and enjoy each others presense without actually talking.

Does that make me a dick?
Nope, it makes you a man.
Lol my friend travis use to say that. Im pretty positive hes gay.
My advice is, she'll develop a huge loyalty to you if you learn how to talk to her the way women like to talk to each other.
Reach for your internal femself.
what was your username before this one?
Im new to this site bro

My advice is, she'll develop a huge loyalty to you if you learn how to talk to her the way women like to talk to each other.
Reach for your internal femself.
Yeah you def have a point there. Easier said then done tho! Sometimes I have a habit of isolating myself and avoiding people as much as possible. Which is why we seem to bump heads lol.
Im new to this site bro

Yeah you def have a point there. Easier said then done tho! Sometimes I have a habit of isolating myself and avoiding people as much as possible. Which is why we seem to bump heads lol.
Yah, I give that advice as someone who could only be that for women who I wasn't dating.
Sorry you have to go through that suffering TS, I wouldn't even wish that torture on my worst enemy.
Your rather smoke weed than talk to your girlfriend. She should put a joint out on your nads.
I have no problem with engaging in convo every day, she is my girlfriend afterall. But no she wants to engage in a FULL long hour (or longer) convo every fucking day.

Alot of times I try to avoid that by watching a tv show or movie with her but that still does not work.

Sometimes I just wanna get high keep to myself and enjoy each others presense without actually talking.

Does that make me a dick?

Ger rid of her, it will drive you away eventually. Clearly shes got some deep issues.
Would you rather her talk to you or some other male? Potentially naked?
Blow smoke in her face. Tell her she smells better when she smells like Kush :)
An hour honestly isn't bad. I'd come home from work and listen to my ex-wife bitch about her day for roughly an hour, then go to turn on the xbox and she'd give me the death stare.

Like really bitch, an hour of undivided attention directly after I get home with zero time to unwind, and it isn't enough? I don't know what to tell you then, Ima play Bioshock now.