My Dad could beat up your dad

My dad wasnt that tough or cool really. he works as a reporter for a small rag called the daily planet my mom works there too.

That said I've never seen him sick, he's freakishly strong, and he use to find anything I ever tried to hide in my room like he had x ray vision or something. tbh my dad is odd like he's from another world or something.

Living in Camp Hill right now. Let me tell you, coming from CA, Central PA absolutely sucks ass.

That's pretty fucking rural if I'm not mistaken. At least Scranton is a city. I did 4 years in central PA in State College and ya, not much going on. I'm in Pittsburgh now though.
My dad would whip your dad's ass in calculus
Alot of cool dads in here. I want to quote many of you and start a conversation, but like i said, too many cool dads here.

Also dont be sorry or sad about my dads condition. He did it to himself due to partying his whole life. Even though the doctors tell him dont drink, his stubborn ass will die with a beer in his hand. Appreciate the thought though
Considering the fact that my dad is a big pussy that abandoned us and doesn't try and contact his children, yes, I'm sure your dad could.