Movies that left you feeling disgusted?


Humans being forced to eat shit is where I draw the line. August Underground series can be included. Wretched.

Coming from a guy who watches irl death stuff. Not all the time, but from time to time, to feel the real.

Humans being forced to eat shit is where I draw the line. August Underground series can be included. Wretched.

Coming from a guy who watches irl death stuff. Not all the time, but from time to time, to feel the real.

Yep. Salo was the worst, and I've seen all the "most disturbing" stuff that people put on lists. Serbian Film wasn't as bad as I'd built it up to be in my head before I saw it. It's actually really well made and the soundtrack is great.

In terms of just bleak, dark, soul-crushing movies (irrespective of gore/shock value), here are a few to check out:
-Lilya 4ever
-Dancer in the Dark
-Requiem for a Dream
-Megan is Missing
-Snowtown Murders (the acting in this one is superb)
-Any of the Gaspar Noe films: Enter the Void, Irreversible, I Stand Alone
-Funny Games
I Spit on Your Grave.

It actually felt like I was doing something wrong by watching it.
Yep. Salo was the worst, and I've seen all the "most disturbing" stuff that people put on lists. Serbian Film wasn't as bad as I'd built it up to be in my head before I saw it. It's actually really well made and the soundtrack is great.

In terms of just bleak, dark, soul-crushing movies (irrespective of gore/shock value), here are a few to check out:
-Lilya 4ever
-Dancer in the Dark
-Requiem for a Dream
-Megan is Missing
-Snowtown Murders (the acting in this one is superb)
-Any of the Gaspar Noe films: Enter the Void, Irreversible, I Stand Alone
-Funny Games

I agree, bit I though A Serbian Film was as advertised too. Baby scene. Too much.

Of your list though, I agree with the ones I've see: Requim, Megan, all Noe, Sandburg versions of Funny Games. All of those movies are a trip.

Since I'm already typing Aussie films Alexandra's Game and Bad Boy Bubby could be included here.
Irreversible - The most disturbing rape scene since the one in Deliverance.

I really like that film. I weren't disgusted, but it's the 'best' rape scene I've seen. Always pops up in movie threads.
Blade Trinity
No movie has disgusted me more than Gasper Noe's "I Stand Alone". It was pretty grim but watchable to the end then it gets you with the sucker punch. I really regretted watching it tbh.
surprised no one itt mentioned hotel rwanda. that is at the very top of my list. a distant second might be requiem for a dream. i also don't remember 21 grams as being much of a "feel good movie". honorable mention might go to city of god.
Schindler's list.
What were the Jews thinking?
Saw 2 ... Saw it in cinemas, I don't like injections, so that pit of needles scene was f**king disgusting
What the hell is Gummo about? I watched a couple of clips. Looks like a bunch of random weirdness.

Haven't seen it, but heard that The Girl Next Door (2007 version) was disturbing.
I really like that film. I weren't disgusted, but it's the 'best' rape scene I've seen. Always pops up in movie threads.

is it worse than the one in monster? that is a title that i forgot to mention, but should have. i don't think anyone else itt thread has mentioned it either...but i may have missed it. that was movie, though really well done, was gross on so many levels.
I stay away from gross movies. So in that case, I haven't really seen many movies that disgust me.

Disgust also isn't the word I would use for a movie I don't like, that's just stupid.

All that really comes to mind is probably the peepee scene on the Crying Game. That was a little gross.