Most famous athlete of all time

This thread seems to agree that its Jordan. Funny thing is, all the people saying it isn't Jordan, all know who Jordan is as well lol
This too. The fact that MJ uses his silhouette as his symbol speaks volumes.

Inb4 Hendo and Bas.

This thread seems to agree that its Jordan. Funny thing is, all the people saying it isn't Jordan, all know who Jordan is as well lol
It's true we're in a western demographic on this board, but I'm curious which continent they believe us provincial Americans are forgetting...Antartica? Jordan draws mobs in Africa, in China, in Russia, across the South Pacific. I'm supposed to believe that the inhabitants of India didn't pay attention to the Dream Team? Probably the continent where I've seen the least fanfare is South America. He's irrefutably received more exposure in any developed market, but I'm curious which populous part of the third world are Pele and Ali and Beckham supposedly better known?

He's known everywhere, everywhere.
Jordan might be number 1 currently since pele hasn't been in the spotlight for a lot longer. It really wouldn't surprise me if a lot of North American youth wouldn't know pele. However, at one point Pele was definitely more famous than Jordan currently. I remember watching some documentary that claimed that in some year 95% of people on earth knew who pele was.
Sorry, gonna go with Pele or Maradona, or even one of the current soccer stars like Ronaldo or Messi.
Even if virtually everyone in the world has heard* of both Jordan and the soccer GOATS, if they were asked to rank them in terms of who they liked best, I think Jordan would be at the bottom**.
Soccer is the world's most popular sport, even in China. And definitely in Africa, Europe, South America, much of Asia. It is near the top in both India and Australia. Basketball is hardly in the top 3 anywhere, except the US.

*There are plenty of athletes of almost universal fame. It that is the only criterion for being considered "famous", this thread is moot.

**Personally, I don't give a crap about Jordan, even though I know who he is. And I can confidently say he doesn't mean anything to anyone I know. Unlike Gretzky, Maradona, Tyson and a couple of other sportlers.
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I would say in no particular order : tiger woods, Muhammad Ali, Michael Jordan, babe Ruth
Jordan, and it's not even close.


that is an absurdly wicked gif.

mj is my answer, but i think ali is a close 2nd.

im surprised mick has been itt and hasn't made a poll, because that's what this thread needs.
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that is an absurdly wicked gif.

mj is my answer, but i think ali is a close 2nd.

From now on, anyone who votes Jordan should also mention which country they're from. I think I'm starting to see a trend here.
Most Iconic athletes in the history of sports

1. Jordan
2. Federer
3. Tiger
4. D Sanders
5. J J Kersee
6. Phelps
11. Gretsky
12. Bruce Lee
19. Pele

I can make lists too.
Wouldn't put Federer or Phelps near the top of them, though. Or Deion Sanders, Jackie Joyner-Kersee, Bo Jackson or Cheryl Miller, whoever they are.
The point I'm trying to make is the list sucks, as do most lists.
First impression.... either Michael Jordan or Muhammad Ali.
In America, Pele was never anywhere near the popularity level of a Jordan, Ali, or Woods.
1.a Pele
1.b Ali
1.c Maradona
2.b C. Ronaldo
3. Beckham
4. Jordan
5. The Rock
Phelps has 11 gold medals in individual events, 13 gold for individual events for male and 8 medals at the 2008 Beijing Games. He's considered the most successful athlete for the 3rd Olympics in a row.

Olympics is a worldwide sport. Not surprising that he is so iconic given the nature of what he does.

What other Olympian in our generation is better than him?

Top 10 olympians of all time.

If asked the questions: "Who do you consider the greatest athlete of all time?" or "Which athlete do you admire the most?", virtually no-one who doesn't practice swimming themselves would answer Phelps. And there aren't that many people who practice swimming. Hell, I doubt many people could point him out in a crowd.
This isn't a poll about who, objectively speaking, is the greatest and most successful athlete of all time. It is a poll about who is the most famous (whatever that means).