Most erotic murder in cinema


Nov 9, 2017
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Get in here pervs. Now, movies are make believe so don't feel weird. What is the most erotic murder you have ever seen in a movie???

For me, it is Leia killing Jabba the hut

I mean, how hawt is that? She is dressed up in a bikini and shackled, but yet slowly chokes the life out of this fatass.

What about you?
what was the name of your previously banned account?
TS probably jacks off while watching Irreversible and Human Centipede.
Get a life ! Jeez these threads are terrible
Located a photograph of TS:

Taking the OP seriously, and avoiding perversion, I give you Arthur and Mordred, from Excalibur.

"Come Father, lets embrace at last."

Such an awesome movie.

Damned straight.

I just posted Lancelot's last scene in the "Heartbreaking Deaths" thread.

It wasn't heartbreaking, but it was epic.

"There's too many! We can't hold them!"
"Lancelot! Is it you? Lancelot!"
"Is it true?!"
"It is!"
"Lancelot! Lancelot!"
"Lancelot's with us!"

*Lancelot carves his way through twenty men before collapsing from his wounds*

"My salvation is to die a knight of the round table."
"You are that, and much more. You are it's greatest knight. You are what is... Best, in men."
"It is the old wound, my King. It has never healed. Guinevere... Is she... Queen, again?"
"She is, Lancelot."​

Why is this the only good movie ever made about the Arthurian mythos? Such an incredible story.
Xenia Onatopp from Goldeneye crushing guys to death with her muscular legs while banging them.

Damned straight.

I just posted Lancelot's last scene in the "Heartbreaking Deaths" thread.

It wasn't heartbreaking, but it was epic.

"There's too many! We can't hold them!"
"Lancelot! Is it you? Lancelot!"
"Is it true?!"
"It is!"
"Lancelot! Lancelot!"
"Lancelot's with us!"

*Lancelot carves his way through twenty men before collapsing from his wounds*

"My salvation is to die a knight of the round table."
"You are that, and much more. You are it's greatest knight. You are what is... Best, in men."
"It is the old wound, my King. It has never healed. Guinevere... Is she... Queen, again?"
"She is, Lancelot."​

Why is this the only good movie ever made about the Arthurian mythos? Such an incredible story.

Hollywood wants a sexy comic hero and millions of dollars of CGI to replace good storytelling. They'll never be able to connect Arthur to the land the way Excalibur did.

And they'll never recreate this kind of drama.

Species with that blonde chick

not sure what’s her name but i remember those tits
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