Mom's knee problem


Yellow Belt
May 11, 2006
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So my mom recently developed some pain in her knee's when she goes down stairs. When she goes up it isn't a problem, can anybody recommend some exercises that she could do that might help the problem? I was thinking knee extension exercises like deadlifts (with bands) also I've heard TKE's help a lot with knee pain.

Any other input is appreciated.

MAN UP AND WALK IT OFF! but really idk maybe see a doctor to see if exercises would even help it?
"Pain in knee" isn't really a helpful description of symptoms. Go to a doctor and find out what's actually wrong.
"Pain in knee" isn't really a helpful description of symptoms. Go to a doctor and find out what's actually wrong.

This...there are so many different parts of the knee, it could be anything.
is she getting up in age? might be time to put her down. don't let her live in pain, she was a good mum(I assume) remember the good times but don't try to prolong it
Her knee's what? j/k

Just have her walk backwards down the stairs.
^ I laughed..

The most common reason for knee pain is muscle imbalance, her quad or hams could be more dominant than the other. For most people its the hamstrings that causes the problem. But, dont listen to me, go see a doctor or a sports doctor / therapist, and he / her will help you.
Yeah she's got an appointment with the Doc, just wanted to hear opinions on what's worked in the past.

Thanks all.
Deadlift with bands for your mom with knee pain? Sounds like a plan. My grandmother had some elbow pain, I put her on 2-board presses with chains, cleared it right up.
You definately misunderstood what I wrote, not deadlifts with bands, band deadlifts, as she is not going to want to deadlift in my backyard when it's 10 below.
You definately misunderstood what I wrote, not deadlifts with bands, band deadlifts, as she is not going to want to deadlift in my backyard when it's 10 below.

Tell your mom that if she wants to fix her knee, she needs to butch up, 10 below or not 10 below.

Seriously though, don't ask for advice for "knee pain", as this could be anything from a mild contusion to a torn ACL to a torn meniscus, all of which have wildly different treatments. Even once you know what is wrong, you should be relying on the advice of people who have experience treating older patients, not the collective advice of sherdog.
dont worry alot of ladies have a hard time walking after im done with them. no worries she will be able to walk again soon...until i hit her up again