Media Moicano hurls explicits at French President Macron and the French government

sherloons losing their mind about another right wing fighter, when will they learn that MMA belongs to us?

I love that the vast majority of fighters and fans are right wingers. It's so nice to see some random liberals seething over it here on the forum 🤣 🤣 🤣

MMA belong to us 🤘
That abomination of a Paris opening ceremony, directly endorsed by Macron was so pathetic and ugly, I don't know what kind of support France establishment was trying to get. Everyone in their right mind thought this was a complete trash
Not sure. Let’s send Ukraine another 150 billion and Israel another 100 or so just to be sure. Meanwhile, let’s flood the country with cheap labour who hates us
The fact you describe it as "sending money" to other countries shows what little grasp you have of what's going on.
I don’t even care about what comes out of money man’s mouth but I fucking love the energy he says it with. Also the mother fucker is all about violence and money, what’s not to love.
I think he's the exact opposite of "man of the people". He denounced Democracy and is a proud Christian, he seems to be interested in some sort of Christian theocracy which would inherently favor Christians.

He is of course entitled to his beliefs, but its the opposite of being a man of the people, someone who is a man of the common person would probably want to keep Democracy.
You’re precisely who needs to read his references.
Ok Cuck, sit back and let the Governments steal everything from you. I give props to anyone willing to stand up for what's right.
Lol, another amoeba believing in uthopian fantasies. Grow the fuck up.
I mean I'm not saying it's all sunshine and daisies right now, there is a lot that is fucked up, but how would a Christina theocracy or anarchocapitalism make things better?

Not sure. Let’s send Ukraine another 150 billion and Israel another 100 or so just to be sure. Meanwhile, let’s flood the country with cheap labour who hates us

lol, i think that's exactly what christian theocracy would do (give money to Israel for their war) and anarcocapiatlism would do (flood with cheap labor). Actually that's exactly what they are doing right now since main world leaders are either neoliberal either conservative nationalists and mostly a blend of both.
Easy! Saying dumb shit. And this is not his first time.
It's also extremely disrespectful and uncalled for to do this when you go to some other country.
"Fuck Macron" is probably the most popular thing a foreign fighter can say to be loved by french people.
It's a pretty universal feeling in France at the moment.
Give me a quick rundown or overview before I dedicate a weekend to reading a book referenced by an MMA fighter right after a fight.

Hoppe's a very boring writer for the most part but there are some pretty good passages in Democracy: The God that Failed.