Modern MMA striking > Prime K1 striking

Then explain how half of our legends have Surinam (Ghanese in origin most of them) roots?

But thanks i guess.

Hungrier fighters from pooer country/province/territory where money would go farther?
Fact is if it was a street fight without gloves or any rules except u cant go to the ground.

MMAers and Boxers would kill K1 fighters in stand up.

Doesn't no rules mean weapons allowed? And friends? I get what you're saying, but you're still introducing at least two more rules: only unarmed combat, and one on one combat.

Overall, MMA striking is clearly better for MMA than K1 striking. But K1 striking is better for K1 than MMA striking - its why they have different styles, if one was better in both it'd be used in both.
No Dutch people are without a doubt larger, genes obviously play a role. But also: most immigrants eat their "own" diet, so they don't get the same amount of dairy most Dutch people get.

It must be the water then :).