Moderate Joe Biden wants to add Kasich, GOP members to cabinet

Even if these moves are mostly symbolic (Kasich is a capable guy though) this is good for the country. We’re in a dangerous place where both sides view the other as enemies instead fellow patriots with different opinions and we need to deescalate. I don’t know how much moves like this will work but it’s the right thing to try.
This is why progressives are dumb. Joe Biden wants a load of GOP people, most of them being the worsto f the GOP aka lobbyists.

Joe Biden runs entirely on covid deaths. Nearly every tweet I see against something showing Bidens decline is "what about the 200k people Trump has killed"

Jimmy Dore's been exposing Biden from the start. Only 3rd party would bring change but I bet if a 3rd party gained traction they'd infilitrate it.
Oh we go again.
Can’t the Democrats for once give up on this bipartisan schtick and just say fk you, Republicans, you had 6 years of an absolute dumpster fire so now go n fk yourselves ?

You’re not going to please any conservatives and you’re just going to piss off your base by neutering whatever work your base sent you to Washington for.

See Obama and his Abraham Lincoln hubris.
That’s how you get a Trump in the White House and your voters staying in their house next election.
Because they know the dumb shit college liberals want won't work.
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lol at diversity of ideologies. There will only be far left subversive and weakening ideologies.

But Waleed Shahid, a spokesman for Justice Democrats, which seeks to add left-wing Democrats to Congress by challenging more moderate incumbents, said his group is at peace with Mr. Biden’s current positioning; the goal is to create a movement so vast that Mr. Biden has to shift his thinking. This election is the first step, he said.

He added: “A major victory would help provide Democrats even more of a mandate to govern through the bold policy
Having one or two members of the opposing party within your cabinet is not a rare idea.

I assume he will be given a position like Secretary of Transportation, VA, or Commerce.
There is nothing liberal about what you just said.
I didn't say it because it was the "liberal" thing to do. I also don't think "liberals" should listen to a word "conservatives" have to say as they ram their court packing agenda through for the benefit of the new majority will and mandate. And "this is it" at the beginning of every Biden complaint thread might be on the docket as well.

Elections have consequences, AOC is fully qualified under the rules to be AG.

Last, in case you were unaware, humor is alive and well.
Next, Biden will announce that he wants Rick Snyder as the head of the EPA.
Sometimes I am not sure if you are a troll or a gimick. Really hard to tell sometimes.
Yes, we all need the inexperienced screeching try-hard former bartender in such an important position.
and heres an "experienced" prosecutor, who refused to charge ALL of Breonna Taylor's murderers

Fuck any RINO that does that I hope they get kicked out of the party and office.
Having one or two members of the opposing party within your cabinet is not a rare idea.

I assume he will be given a position like Secretary of Transportation, VA, or Commerce.

Tbh, it would seem perfect to always give the opposing party person the VA since it never gets fixed. But I agree with your general premise it will likely be something where Kasichs ideology won’t really affect the job significantly or at least isn’t as important to the administration.
Fuck any RINO that does that I hope they get kicked out of the party and office.
Its quite sad for Republicans, when guys like Romney was dubbed a RINO for saying "Black Lives Matter"
I suppose Trump could expand the SC next week and we could have 25 Justices, 19 of whom he appointed.
That would be legal too, what are your thoughts?

why should they not? Elections have consequences and it would be legal.
That’s a strange statement from someone who we were told intended to “put black folks in chains again” back in 2012.

Its quite sad for Republicans, when guys like Romney was dubbed a RINO for saying "Black Lives Matter"