green machine, what u experienced was called a process of elimination to weed out the weak. everyone that comes through the doors gets roughed up at some point, the strong stay, the weak leave and complain on the internet that they couldnt persevere. people want to see if u r tough enough to make it through. u cant argue with results of mfs in the long run. grappling is a contact sport...even if u train with the best pure bjj guys on the planet u will get roughed up....its physical.
im not a fighter or planning to be; but just because someone doesn't like how you train, does not necessarily mean they aren't tough enough. They just might prefer to go about their training in a different manner.
now i don't know if he is complaining or not, he might in fact be sharing his experience and giving his opinion of said experience; honestly there is notthing wrong w/that. Alot of good and great fighters have come from mfs; but just as many, if not more good/great fighters come from camps where there is alot of personal attention and tech drilling instead of the obvious elimination process of being phsical and rough to see who breaks/who doesnt.
if i don't want to train at mfs im not soft or weak; i just feel that their curriculum and style of training doesn't fit my needs or goals, just like if train at greg jackson's, it doesnt mean i am particularly tough or too physical. Once again it just means that what they have to offer and their system doesn't meet my needs goals or impressions on how to develop my skills.
that being said anyone who knows about mma, should know MFS is gonna try to break you; they have said it numerous times, wether is the fighters, pat, or people covering the training.
hope i didn't offend u, just wanted to post the other side of the argument.
tell ben i said what up; i actually talked to him awhile ago, when i got on him for not giving roy nelson his props as a fighter. Ben emailed me and we got it straightened out, i wish him well in his fight