Social Michigan cop who had Confederate/KKK memorabilia in home is fired

He invited someone into the home and it became known.
The guy shouldn't be a cop at any rate.
I'd say that having such items is a sufficient amount of smoke to cause the person to be questioned over it, but I think you'd have to find some "fire" to the smoke before actually firing him.

A lot of dudes have collected Nazi, Confederate, Colonialist, etc. memorabilia. As our countries get more "multi-cultural", I suppose we would also have to question whether it's okay to collect something like Imperial Japan, or Communist, or Mongol memorabilia, etc., considering the amount of bodies they left behind.

The fine line, as far as I see it, is whether it's just a hobby or activity, a quirky curiosity, or whether the person actually subscribes to those beliefs, and wishes to perpetuate them through his work.
@TheGreatA i suppose a good question to ask is does he also have allied memorobilia to go with his nazi stuff, and union pieces with his confederates? that might clear things up
Man, this guy is a giant idiot for leaving that up when selling his house. He won his stupid prize.
@TheGreatA i suppose a good question to ask is does he also have allied memorobilia to go with his nazi stuff, and union pieces with his confederates? that might clear things up

Well, I don't think that's really a question to ask, necessarily, as some people are simply more interested in gathering items of the "bad guys", particularly when the bad guys had a, let's say, better sense of aesthetics than the "good guys" did. Hell, a lot of the American "boys" that were sent into WW2, came back with Luger pistols and SS symbols, which they proudly displayed in their homes. The Americans love their villains, which is obvious in their movie portrayals, even today, where a comic villain like "The Joker" is celebrated almost as a hero.

The Nazis put a lot of effort into looking good on the field, whereas the Americans put their efforts into performance.

Even when it comes to the KKK and the Confederates, they portrayed themselves in a way that went down in history, even if in infamy. The hooded men, burning crosses, the Rebel flag, none of it would be remembered, if not for how "iconic" they have become, in the eyes of the people.

Realistically-speaking, a racist group that has no longer held any significant clout in about 50 years, or a rebel army that hasn't existed in over 150 years, would've already been forgotten, if there was nothing memorable about them.

Does anyone, for example, remember the Bowery Boys of New York? Not really, because they were just some scumbags in funny hats. Nobody'd think twice if you had a picture depicting Bill the Butcher on your table.
Man, this guy is a giant idiot for leaving that up when selling his house. He won his stupid prize.


It's one thing if he wasn't having an open house but him doing so while having all that out in the open?

Maybe we really don't want him as a Police Officer if that's his level of INTELLIGENCE (with a lack of Common Sense)?
So he legally collects and sells memorabilia from his home and a black person who was a potential buyer reported him for selling CSA/KKK objects?

Seems like he should be able to sue them for far more than he would ever get paid.

Want to go down the list of things that could be equated to. Any black police officer or govt employee with a Malcolm X book or picture for example.
Well, the KKK has certainly been around much longer.

When was the last murder linked to the KKK? I can think of several recent murders of police linked to BLM while you have to look hard for past decades.
Well, I don't think that's really a question to ask, necessarily, as some people are simply more interested in gathering items of the "bad guys", particularly when the bad guys had a, let's say, better sense of aesthetics than the "good guys" did. Hell, a lot of the American "boys" that were sent into WW2, came back with Luger pistols and SS symbols, which they proudly displayed in their homes. The Americans love their villains, which is obvious in their movie portrayals, even today, where a comic villain like "The Joker" is celebrated almost as a hero.

The Nazis put a lot of effort into looking good on the field, whereas the Americans put their efforts into performance.

Even when it comes to the KKK and the Confederates, they portrayed themselves in a way that went down in history, even if in infamy. The hooded men, burning crosses, the Rebel flag, none of it would be remembered, if not for how "iconic" they have become, in the eyes of the people.

Realistically-speaking, a racist group that has no longer held any significant clout in about 50 years, or a rebel army that hasn't existed in over 150 years, would've already been forgotten, if there was nothing memorable about them.
as far as ww2 goes, the nazis definitely had cooler shit, but i would think that a "history buff" would have at least a little something of both sides.

the way this guy displays his kkk application though, makes me err on the side of him being a cunt
This is disgusting. This guy has a right to own whatever historical or political memorabilia he wants in his home. I hope the courts vindicate this man's free speech rights because there is something really wrong when the government gets to decide the political views of its employees.

Not sure how this is in the U.S., but in most states, police swear an oath to defend and uphold the state and the constitution. I would expect that celebrating traitors and furthering the KKK's ideology will definitely place him at odds with the U.S. constitution, meaning he violates his professional duties and his oath.
Do the KKK still wear those gay little hoods?
Save the bullshit, almost every influential Democrat in Virginia and nationwide asked Northam to resign, he instead decided to remain in office.

And President Trump's 2020 re-election campaign thanks him for it.
Not comfortable with a Klansmen in the force. Sorry, gotta draw the line.

Justified firing. If he was Al-Qaeda I would feel the same way.
They should have done a better job clarifying that it wasn't his application to the KKK but a preserved KKK application from the 1920s that he owns.
Are you okay with the government while acting as an employer restricting what political views a person can hold? What if Trump fired all the democrats working for the federal government? Would you be okay with that?

What political party supports the KKK? You are equating the KKK with the Republican party. Not sure other Republicans will agree with your autistic views here.