Meme thread V35: Trump's Now a Racist Russian Spy Says CNN

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Even white people who consider themselves good allies of people of color can be unaware of their racial biases.

Step 1: Recognize that what matters most is what happened just now.

Step 2: Remember the broader context.

Even if you know in your heart that you are not racist, remember: It is possible to have implicit (or unconscious) racial biases.

Step 3: Stay calm and ask for clarification.

Take a deep breath and pause after being called racist. You will probably feel attacked and defensive. Check those emotions and avoid argument.

Step 4: Really listen to the answer(s) you receive.

Swallow your pride. It’s hard. Don’t interrupt or justify yourself; you’re not on trial. Your goal in this exchange is to listen and learn.

Step 5: Express gratitude — then get to work.

What's wrong with Go Fuck Yourself?
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