Mark my words you punks, Conor will be fighting at 303.

I won't write the fight off entirely, but Conor really is a mess at this stage.

Guy for sure has substance abuse issues that are worsening.

Not sure wtaf is going on around this fight, but to be dropping cheddar on either PPV or an actual audience seat in anticipation is at the very least a gamble with all the weirdness surrounding it currently.
Kid, he signed a contract to show up and knowingly broke it. He pulled out lol. Idk why you're so uppity about it. That is literally what happened. Everyone knows that if you break contract then you can't fight. Conor is a grown ass man and made the choice to not show up. The fight didn't happen because of him. Not Dana. Not UFC. Just Conor and his actions.

Y'all are ridiculous with all of this fervent denial of Conor's autonomy
Kid 😄 you're a funny guy.

Look, you can spin it anyway you want too bro, Ronda wasn't pulled for no media at 207 last I checked.

Kid 🙄
Kid 😄 you're a funny guy.

Look, you can spin it anyway you want too bro, Ronda wasn't pulled for no media at 207 last I checked.

Kid 🙄
Lol someone is getting upset.

Conor skipped press and the fight fell through because of it. That's not a spin, that's just a fact. Cry about it all you want, he broke contract. That's on him. He pulled out.

It's OK kiddo, I'm sure Conor appreciates you defending his honor
This whole thing is sus. There was no need for this oddly timed press conference in the first place. they're creating tension. Until they say it's off offically, aint no point speculating that Conor od'ed on some pills which is what I heard from my sauces who know someone who knows someone who does drugs with Conor
Alcoholism is a progressive illness

Over time, people get worse - never better. Not without help.

Conor was indeed a sure bet to show up to fight, once.

That is no longer the case today, I mean, wasn't he just partying hard last week?
What did people expect? You expect a drunk to quit drinking and show up to work???
I've been getting flooded with private messages of early offerings to kiss my digital feet early. As I said. Conor will be fighting. The haters are so so sad on Sherdog. Now the narrative will change to "Conor won't win" then when he does win it'll change to "He'll never fight again" for the 100th time. Wow so sad.
He’s not even injured, let’s be real here; he pissed hit and melted a cup and injury is a coverup, it’s Conor ffs Dana will protect his cash cow much like his fanboys defend his rape allegations.
When has Conor ever pulled out. You've all been wrong about Conor on several occasions. He always shows up, and there's never been an instance of him not.

Come back to this thread and kiss my digital feet as you watch Conor KO Chandler faster than Jose Aldo at the end of the month.

That was before he snapped his leg like a toothpick and went on alcohol and coke fueled binges.
Mark my words, he is done in MMA. Come back to this post and kiss my digital ass when you realize that.
No, his weak mind/mentality/insecurity made him soft. The guy always sucked (as a person), the money just gave him avenues to do whatever (behavior) he wanted without the repercussions. Give me 100 million and I'll do a lot with it, but I won't suddenly become a cheating, lying, spiteful douchebag. . . and neither did Conman, he was always an insecure douche, he just got "power" (read: infinite wealth).
We need to pin this comment. There are rich ppl who don't spend their moments shitting on others and being insensitive to large quantities of ppl.

Oh, and having sexual assault accusers who "coincidentally" have their car blown up in their driveway and then later "coincidentally" have ppl break in their home and stab someone.

And the whole incident where the girl had to have her tampon surgically removed from her cervix? Money alone does not result in these coincidences surrounding one. That takes some amount of work.
When has Conor ever pulled out. You've all been wrong about Conor on several occasions. He always shows up, and there's never been an instance of him not.

Come back to this thread and kiss my digital feet as you watch Conor KO Chandler faster than Jose Aldo at the end of the month.

Well, this aged poorly