Couple things
1 never leave home without your glock, you never know if you will encounter a lunatic that gives zero fucks about weather you live or die. I know that sounds crazy to some but look at the news. It happens everyday and there is no cosmic law that says it won't happen to you some day.
2 if you know someone is an asshole avoid em, don't engage, don't let your dog shit in their yard none of that. It doesn't matter if you think you have a right to be somewhere a lunatic or a rage beast is not operating on the same set of rules as you
3 I'm a dog owner and have been most my life and yet I never let my dog shit anywhere but my yard. I don't know why so many people think it's OK in the burbs where you have a yard of your own to let your dog go everywhere but. I let my dog out to do his thing before we go out , I'm not carrying a bag of shit with me and its just rude. People already dont like pit dogs and I'm not giving anyone an excuse to hate them more.
Like big John said. Protect yourself at all times. Guns and fists are great but most of the time it just means using your brain