Man calls po po on baby squirrel

theyre a delicacy in the Meditteranean.



Okay tough guys be honest....What animals do you truly fear?

Uncle Handle fears no creature.....however I don't like giant centipede, or snakes.

Apparently the C.I.A doesn't really beat the shit out of captives or rip out your finger nails to glean intel. Their main ghoul developed a program to use against terrorist that has them bound and gagged in a coffin and he approaches them with a giant spider or centipede and then seals the coffin with the thing creeping about near their groin..

The only actual animal i'm wary of is the Komodo Dragon

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quick war story

Once on a blade hunt. I got too close to one of the larger dragons with my knife and it tried to bite me. I was able to deftly dispatch the creature with the usage of my blade. Being trained in APACHE blade since I was a wee lad TBH it was kinda easy. it wasn't until later that i learned how close i came to death apparently these creature breathe fire and can burn you alive to death.

So what beastie from the kingdom Animalia scares you?

...looking for honesty here boys.

Tiger, Lion, Grizzly Bear. Any one of those would jack you up very easily and eat you while you are still alive.
Moths in an enclosed space give me the heeby jeebies.
I don’t mind any bugs, snakes or rats, but hairy spiders freak me put. I coucln’t even watch “8 legged freaks” .
Never trust rodents.(those old enough to remember newgrounds in its prime may remember this)

Yeah, totally. I just move her around the exhibit a few times a day so people think she’s real.

Have you read Last Chance to See by Douglas Adams?


I haven't read it since 1990 but remember it being awesome.

“Komodo lizards are…big. Very big. There’s one on Komodo at the moment which is over twelve feet long and stands about a yard high, which you can’t help but feel is entirely the wrong size for a lizard to be.” - Douglas Adams, Last Chance to See
I would for sure get a citizen complaint if I responded to a baby squirrel chasing a grown ass man...