wish i could see that on video...how long did he hold him there? good thing that guy being held didn't have friends who interfered...
it was outside a strip club in the city. i was with some friends and saw a guy with a ralph gracie jiu jitsu t shirt on, I talked to him for a good half hour. he was a brown belt with some other friends who were also jj players.
He told me he used to train at ralph's but left to one of his affiliates.
anyway, outside a guy was giving a hard time to these girls who actually came out of the strip club (they werent strippers, just girls having fun i guess)
he grabbed one of them and started to just walk away with her like a caveman claiming a womanm, it was crazy. the brown belt pushed him and started raising his voice at the guy who then put his hands up and started bouncing around.
the brown belt put 1 hand on the ground (as if he was going to do a kani basami scizzor takedown) and jumped guard with his hand still on the ground.
thee guy didnt know how to support his weight so he fell into his guard.
then he switched to an omoplata and flattened him out. and asked one of us to call the cops.
cops came in like 5 minutes. one of them was actually laughing that he was in an omlata
Did he pull on concrete? Size of him and opponent?
it was on sidewalk but he didnt hit the ground hard. he had 1 hand free to support him.
also the brown belt was barely taller but skinnier.
the assailant was like an inch or 2 shorter but stocky.