LMAO So Jones is a wrestler now eh?

LMAO you are just to fucking dumb to understand how smart Jones is and how he will easily win this. Reyes is tired and that was exactly his plan

Getting your ass kicked for 3 rounds is a game plan now?

Yeah let's pretend Jones is not a wrestler now ?! Wrestling/grappling has always been a big part of his game. TS is dumb haha
Jones has always been a wrestler? Lol
Not a good wrestler though Reyes powering out of it until now
He.....he literally started as a wrestler.

You’re not a “panic wrestler” if you wrestle in high school.
LMAO you are just to fucking dumb to understand how smart Jones is.
Reyes is exhausted and that was exactly his plan.
Why do people use LMAO? Anytime I see it I instantly think person desperate for attention/try hard.
Wrestling is his base.

He gnp tko'd Gus just last Dec.