Lmao DC said he had to cut weight for 265

this just shows lack of understanding on your part

No matter how much they eat they will never achieve Mark hunt body type




They could get fat, but it would be impossible to reach hunts thickness (especially as pro fighter)

same holds for hunt. He will never be as skinny as these two (especially not as a pro fighter)

now your issue here is you try to interpret body types literally

It’s either: Ectomorph, Endomorph, Mesomorph and nothing in between.

the reality is it’s a spectrum and most ppl are in between

Yes your body type can dictate how your body regulates hunger, mobilizes fat/cals, how your physical fat distribution looks, and how much NEAT kicks in when you're overeating. People with smaller bones and less robust joints usually can't lift as heavy (at the top end) as guys with bigger ones and they also take longer to recover.

And widespread steroid/IV/etc. use has fucked things up because now everyone can be everyone else.
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Cutting weight is cutting weight lower than your natural level. He is losing weight because he is fat.
he had absolutely nothing for arguably the sloppiest fighter in the division. this is his paulo thiago moment
Yes your body type can dictate how your body regulates hunger, mobilizes fat/cals, how your physical fat distribution looks, and how much NEAT kicks in when you're overeating. People with smaller bones usually can't lift as heavy (at the top end) as guys with bigger bones and they also take longer to recover.

And widespread steroid/IV/etc. use has fucked things up because now everyone can be everyone else.

that’s why it’s absurd when ppl here claim everybody would be the same if they follow same diet.
that’s why it’s absurd when ppl here claim everybody would be the same if they follow same diet.
What explains it is that most of the US is obese and doesn't lift. People just don't know the reality/care.

An Endo can get skinny and an Ecto can get fat. But it's relatively harder to do so.

EDIT: Stolen from Lyle McDonald's FB (many in the fitness community consider him trustworthy):

"For those who love to repeat the 'somatotyping' is bullshit, you might consider that we are finding a lot of genetic links to all of this.

One study showed that light framed people gained less muscle to training than heavier framed. Ectomorphy vs. mesomorphy. Now, that study used teh same training for both. Perhaps the ectomorph might have grown better on different training, eh?

We know that being overfat *generally* mean insulin resistance. The old rule: endomorphs do better on lowcarbs and doing more cardio. Which the science supports.

Consider the idea that ectomorphs should eat more saturated fat. In premise these are the guys who likely have great leptin sensitiivty, hunger shuts down and NEAT ramps up. That's what keeps them thin. Guess what: saturated fat induces leptin resistance which should make it easier for them to gain weight and stop burning it all off.

Look at all the data emerging on training hyperresponders. I bet if they measured that with somatotyping it would correlate with mesomorphy and training response. ability to make new ribosomes, mitochondrial function.

I've got data (unpublished) tying somatotype to behavior. Hmm......"
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All the differences youre nitpicking are statistically insignificant compared to the significance of your mindstate, so go ahead and master the theories, you'll be the master of nothing.
Yes there are certainly betas and alphas in society. Whether the term is actually real or not in the dictionary is a different discussion. However there humans that are more attractive to the opposite sex, dominant, smarter... etc Yes it is harder for others. And yes you would probably need peds if you really wanted to look like a Greek god etc... all the information is on the internet IMO. But it goes for anything in life really. You want to be a homeless guy on the street or a successful businessman? The choice is yours. It comes way easier for others but it doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

Don’t be a little bitch.

I wouldn't want to be either one I just want to be a normal dude with big booty hoes on his roster.