List 5 historical figures you would like to meet if you could....

Can I meet them in their prime, or is it one of those "meet them in Heaven" questions?

If I can meet them while they're still alive and thus I can affect history: Muhammad, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Kim Il sung. Would kill them during dinner, Godfather style.
1) Nietzsche
2) Kierkegaard
3) A.E. Housman
4) Chuang Tzu
5) Rousseau
Can I meet them in their prime, or is it one of those "meet them in Heaven" questions?

If I can meet them while they're still alive and thus I can affect history: Muhammad, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Kim Il sung. Would kill them during dinner, Godfather style.

haha I would add Lenin and Pol pot to that dinner table to be killed as well.
Off the top of my head, Hitler, Pimp C, Eintstein, Caligula, Khufu.
Jesus Christ, Cyrus the Great, Vladimir Lenin, Christopher Columbus, Robespierre
King David (who killed Goliath and later became King)
Muhammad, Jesus, Hitler, Einstein, Sir Issac Newton.

Ask the hard questions(terrorist, Socialism, etc) and take video then show the Muslims their beloved it Muhammad and his hate for terrorism.

Show the Christians their beloved Jesus and his love of socialism/helping the poor...Then let the religious people decide if they meet up their expectations.

Hitler to see how he really felt.

Einstein/Sir Issac Newton to get geniuses point of views.
David Bowie
Muhammad Ali
Eli Weisel
Lindsay Lohan
I forgot about David. Might trade Noah or Moses for him.
Because he killed Goliath, he was a musician, and great military leader, and a man after God's heart. It would have been cool to see him as a youth kill that giant when everyone else was too scared.