Lightweight gets strong


SOHP 135 x 5
SOHP 135 x 5
SOHP 145 x 5
SOHP 145 x 5
SOHP 155 x 4 (+1 Push-Press)
SOHP 165 x 2
SOHP 165 x 1
SOHP 175 x 0 (kinda fatigued.. bleh)
SOHP 175 x 0 (same deal)

Each set was power cleaned from the floor, then pressed for the designated reps.

Tomorrow I am going to deadlift instead of doing 10 sets of 3 at 265. Next week I'll increase my monday squats to 7 x 5 at 245, then do 10 x 3 at 275 next thurs as my routine originally planned for. I just really want to get a good deadlifting session in tomorrow with some singles in the 450 range.

Today I deadlifted. I feel great, it was fun. I love deadlifting and really missed it the last two weeks.

Deadlift 225 x 10 (double overhand)
Deadlift 315 x 5 (double overhand)
Deadlift 405 x 1 (over/under from here out)
Deadlift 425 x 1
Deadlift 445 x 1
Deadlift 445 x 1
Deadlift 445 x 1

I really love doing heavy singles. 445 is about 94% of my 1rm.

Today was pretty shitty. I'm still jacked up from 3 hours of tackle football saturday.

Back Squat 65 x 10
Back Squat 135 x 10
Back Squat 135 x 10
Back Squat 245 x 5
Back Squat 245 x 5
Back Squat 245 x 5
Back Squat 245 x 5
Back Squat 245 x 5
Back Squat 245 x 3 (couldn't finish complete workout)
Back Squat 225 x 5
Back Squat 225 x 5 (two sets to make up for me not being able to squat 245 for 5 anymore)

I'm really kinda bummed, all my ankle/hip/knee joints are sore from deadlifting thurs then playing football saturday.

DB Press 55(2) x 10
Bench Press 185 x 5
Bench Press 205 x 5
Bench Press 225 x 3
Bench Press 225 x 3
Bench Press 205 x 5
Bench Press (wide grip) 175 x 8
Bench Press (wide grip) 155 x 8

I think I'm getting a cold..taking extra zinc tonight before bed and hoping for the best.

Strict OHP 135 x 5
SOHP 135 x 5
SOHP 145 x 4
SOHP 145 x 4
SOHP 145 x 3

All sets were cleaned from the floor. I'm not sure how much reduced pressing volume split between two days is working for me. I may redo my workout structure in a month or two. I really like going to the gym 4 days a week but 4 days in a row really can leave a lot to be desired on tues/weds.

I still feel like I'm getting a cold, but it isn't full blown. IDK whats going to happen, tonight I am only getting 6 hours of sleep so maybe I'll feel like shit tomorrow :p

Deadlift 225 x 10 (double over)
Deadlift 315 x 8 (regular from now on)
Deadlift 385 x 4
Deadlift 385 x 1
Deadlift 435 x 1
Deadlift 435 x 1
Deadlift 435 x 1

Power Clean 135 x 5
Power Clean 155 x 5
Power Clean 175 x 2
Power Clean 195 x 1
I skipped yesterday cause I was sick. I'm sick today too, but I got antibiotics. Should be alright in a few days and I did go to the gym today, though it was pretty short:


Bench Press 185 x 5
Bench Press 225 x 4
Bench Press 265 x 1 (PR)
Bench Press 275 x 0 (fail)
Snatch Grip Bench 175 x 9

Power Clean 135 x 3
Power Clean 185 x 1
Power Clean 185 x 1
Power Clean 185 x 1
Power Clean 185 x 1
Same deal today. Going slow. Tomorrow I'll probably put more into my workouts than I have been this week.


SOHP 135 x 5
SOHP 135 x 5
SOHP 155 x 2
SOHP 155 x 2
SOHP 155 x 1
I should be 100% next week.


Deadlift 225 x 5
Deadlift 345 x 5
Deadlift 445 x 1
Deadlift 445 x 1
Deadlift 415 x 1
Deadlift 395 x 1
Deadlift 395 x 1

Power Clean 185 x 1
Power Clean 185 x 1
I took it kinda easy today cause I have a 14 hour shift tomorrow.


Back Squat 135 x 10
Back Squat 205 x 5
Back Squat 255 x 5
Back Squat 305 x 1
Back Squat 275 x 3
Back Squat 225 x 5

Bench Press 185 x 5
Bench Press 225 x 4
Bench Press 245 x 2
Bench Press 225 x 1

SOHP 115 x 10
SOHP 115 x 8
SOHP 115 x 7

Long pause between each SOHP rep.

Deadlift 225 x 10 (double over)
Deadlift 225 x 10 (snatch grip)
Deadlift 295 x 5 (snatch grip)
Deadlift 295 x 5 (snatch grip)
Deadlift 295 x 5 (snatch grip)
Deadlift 295 x 5 (snatch grip)
Deadlift 295 x 5 (snatch grip)

Strict Overhead Press 135 x 5
Strict Overhead Press 135 x 5
Strict Overhead Press 155 x 3
What are you weighing now a days? ANd nice lifitng, snatch grip deads are a good lift
I'm still hanging around the 160-163 area. I really like snatch grip deads. I'm probably gonna alternate between heavy singles at conventional grip and higher volume at snatch grip between weeks for a month or so and see where I go.

Back Squat 135 x 5
Back Squat 225 x 5
Back Squat 225 x 5
Back Squat 275 x 3
Back Squat 275 x 3
Back Squat 275 x 3
Back Squat 275 x 3

Deadlift 495 x 0 (fail)
Deadlift 315 x 5
Deadlift 405 x 3

I attempted 495 tonight cause a guy at our gym was PRing as well and everyone told me I should try too after he failed miserably. The weight actually felt pretty light coming off the floor, I got stuck about an inch or two from lockout for several seconds until my right hand grip started to go out. I definitely feel like I have 495 in me now.

On another note, I'm going to change my routine a bit for the next month and will no longer be squatting and instead deadlifting two times a week.

Bench Press 185 x 5
Bench Press 185 x 5
Bench Press 215 x 5
Bench Press 225 x 3
Bench Press 245 x 1
Bench Press 205 x 5

SOHP 135 x 5
SOHP 135 x 5
SOHP 145 x 5
SOHP 150 x 3
SOHP 150 x 2
SOHP 170 x 0 (fail)

Pullup Bodyweight x 8

Deadlift 255 x 10
Deadlift 325 x 5
Deadlift 375 x 5
Deadlift 425 x 1
Deadlift 475 x 0 (kinda funny / sad.. no story here)

I think I did more than that, I must have forgot it. I was kind of distracted working out today as I was making calls for a football game I'm playing on saturday in between sets.

Bench Press 185 x 5
Bench Press 185 x 5
Bench Press 215 x 5
Bench Press 225 x 3
Bench Press 185 x 8 (wide grip)
Bench Press 185 x 8 (wide grip)

I reordered my gym days for this week cause I have work at 8 AM and wanted to get home before midnight.

Deadlift Lockout 225 x 10 (double over)
Deadlift Lockout 315 x 8 (over/under)
Deadlift Lockout 495 x 1
Deadlift Lockout 545 x 1
Deadlift Lockout 585 x 0 (heh..)
Deadlift Lockout 495 x 1
Deadlift Lockout 405 x 5
Deadlift Lockout 315 x 5

Power Clean 135 x 5
Power Clean 155 x 5
Power Clean 175 x 3

Throw / catch 40lb punching bag for 3 minutes (playing catch w/ a friend, maximum intensity with each throw)