Lightweight gets strong


butthole hurts from teh gay
Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
I decided it was time to start a new log. My old one lasted about 5 months, which I consider to be pretty good. As of right now, I'm in 3 lifting contests. This is what I am training for.

My current stats are:

Height - 5'8"
Weight - 162 lbs
Age - 22

Jan 1, 2008 Starting
Deadlift - 385 (+120) - 505
Back Squat - 275 (+60) - 335
Bench Press - 225 (+40) - 265
Power Clean - 155 (+60) - 215
Strict OHP - 115 (+40) - 155
Push-Press - 155 (+30) - 185

My current goals are:
Deadlift - 495 - *done*
Back Squat - 455 - *nowhere near*
Bench Press - 315 - *eh..*
Power Clean - 225 - *kinda close*
Strict OHP - 185 - *no*
Push Press - 225 - *no*
Bodyweight - 165 - *pretty much done*
To be the strongest person on sherdog under 170 pounds - *really close from what I can tell*

I'm currently in 4 contests,

I wont have a workout to post in my new log until tomorrow. I wanted to get everything set up early, though.
What kinda workout routine are you doing
I don't know. I just have my own routine. I guess a push/pull/squat 3 day split is the closest to what I do.

I try to squat at the beginning of the week, then push in the middle and deadlift at the end of the week. I aim for my 5 rep max or less in each set.

If I reach 5 reps at my starting weight and feel like I am able to do more reps at that weight, I add weight for the next set. If I fail to achieve 5 reps, I stay at that weight until I can't do 2 reps.

I don't overload and don't over complicate my workouts. I don't do assistance and I don't "nuke" my muscles. I think that and eating a lot of protein is key.
Yeh, its kinda cool. I'm buying like 4 St Wilhelm's shirts so I can wear them every time I'm at the gym. I figure one day I'll run into someone from here that lifts at Powerhouse in Woodbridge.

Squat 225 x 5
Squat 225 x 5
Squat 225 x 5
Squat 275 x 4
Squat 355 x 0

Deadlift 225 x 10
Deadlift 315 x 5
Deadlift 315 x 3 (stopped here cause I had a cut from work on my hand)

Bench Press 205 x 5
Bench Press 205 x 5
Bench Press 225 x 3
Bench Press 225 x 2
Bench Press 225 x 2

I kind of hit a lot of lifts today, mainly cause I know I'll be skipping my wed session on account of me going to kings dominion.
It's been a week since I've worked out, as I've been pretty busy lately.


Back Squat 135 x 10
Back Squat 225 x 5
Back Squat 225 x 5
Back Squat 275 x 3
Back Squat 275 x 4
Back Squat 325 x 1 (PR)
Back Squat 275 x 2

Here is a video of the PR. My first lifting vid, so it kind of looks like shit. Especially the splash screen. I'll make a real one for my future videos.

YouTube - Squat 325 Pounds
Good work Josh. You don't need to hit a PR every week....just letting you know :)

Bench Press 185 x 5
Bench Press 205 x 5
Bench Press 125 x 3
Bench Press 125 x 2
Bench Press 205 x 3

Deadlift 225 x 10
Deadlift 315 x 5
Deadlift 375 x 3
Deadlift 435 x 1 (PR)
Deadlift 455 x 1 (PR!)

Wow. 30 pounds of deadlift PRs in one day.

These bodybuilders in my gym were deadlifting with their straps and everything. My friend knows I'm a pretty good deadlifter for my size so he walks over to the nearest platform and starts racking up the same weight they have.

We get into a deadlifting session, and every time hes tells me to match whatever lifts they are doing, only completely raw. I'm intrigued, so of course I go with it.

Eventually they get up to 405, when it is time to one up them, I figure I might as well add a bit more since I'm so close to a PR. I hit 435 smooth as pie, the largest bodybuilder hit 405 for two reps.

Since 435 went up so smoothly, I couldn't resist adding the 20 additional pounds to make 455. (If you'll notice, I failed 455 a couple weeks ago).

It wasn't even a fair competition with the bodybuilders, considering they had already done their curls and such. I guess they had straps to take away some of the advantage I had..

edit: Just realized the 455 failure a few weeks ago was in my old log..


225 x 5
275 x 1
295 x 1 (PR)
255 x 3
255 x 2

315 x 5
405 x 1
455 x 0
435 x 0
405 x 1

Squat 225 x 5
Squat 275 x 4
Squat 275 x 4
Squat 275 x 3
Squat 275 x 3
Squat 275 x 2

Bench 185 x 5
Bench 205 x 5
Bench 225 x 3
Bench 225 x 2
Bench 195 x 5
Bench 195 x 4
I haven't posted a workout in several weeks on account of me moving and not having a computer. I've been to the gym generally as scheduled. I just wanted to bump this thread so I can find it easier tonight when I get back from the gym. I've now got my computer setup in my new location and will start updating on a regular basis once again.

Power Clean 135 x 5
Power Clean 185 x 1
Power Clean 185 x 1
Power Clean 165 x 10
Power Clean 165 x 5

I did some presses in there as well, didn't really keep track.

Pullup Bodyweight x 5
Bodyweight x 5
Bodyweight x 5
Chinup Bodyweight x 5
Bodyweight x 5
Pullup Bodyweight x 5
Bodyweight x 5

I'm changing over to a 4 consecutive day routine. I'll be opening each day other than the first day of the week with active recovery, then finishing the day with 5 heavy sets of a different lift. I'll post more details as I am able to add more structure to the routine.

Deadlift 225 x 5
Deadlift 315 x 5
Deadlift 405 x 1
Deadlift 405 x 1
Deadlift 495 x 0 (failed)
Deadlift 405 x 1

Bench Press 185 x 5
205 x 5
205 x 5
205 x 5
215 x 3
Hard luck on the 5 plate deadlift... but with the way you're improving you'll definitely get it soon!

I've been lurking around the lightweight race thread, congrats on the improvements and the win, it's inspiring me to be more consistent with my training and push harder.

*subscribes to log*
Thanks for the inspiring words. After I stalled about half way up, I realized I was in the same position 6 months ago with 405 pounds.
Thanks for the inspiring words. After I stalled about half way up, I realized I was in the same position 6 months ago with 405 pounds.

Now that's an awesome feeling - 6 months later and with an extra 40kg on the bar, going for a new PR.