Let's think of ideas for the next Star Wars

  • Founding of the Jedi Order
  • Rise of the Sith Empire
  • A movie about a famous Sith (Darth Bane, Exar Kun, etc.)
  • A full movie about the droid attack on the Wookies told from Chewbacca's perspective
R2d2 the lost years where he develops an robo-oxidado addiction and beats a hooker to death before finding religion and righting his treacherous ways.
A long time after the events in SW but in the same SW galaxy...

A one-galaxy government reigns supreme. This time it isn't ruling in the overtly iron-fisted manner of the old galactic empire, which used aggression, oppression, and fear to maintain power and control.

This new empire is far more attractive, and works in far subtler ways. So attractive in fact, that no one opposes it. No detractors; no rebellion; no war. Life is pleasant in the galaxy. The moisture farmers on Tatooine are happy to be moisture farmers on Tatooine. All have been conditioned to be satisfied with their lives (think Brave New World). And should they get an itch for some excitement, they can simply visit the local Thrill House (think Star Trek's Holodeck) where they can do anything they want in a simulated reality. And should they ever feel any sense of agitation, a quick trip to the Chill House will remedy that. One Chill Pill will put your mind at ease. Do stock up, there's plenty for all!

The story is about a young man named Desh who was brought up an assistant to the empire's record keeper. The Keeper of Records being one of the only people, aside from the enigmatic emperor himself, with extensive knowledge of the galaxy's long history. Over time Desh discovers many things; about the Old Republic, about the Jedi, about the Sith, and about the seemingly ageless emperor. At some point Desh uncovers a shocking truth that for centuries the emperor has been performing ritualistic torture and sacrifice of young children. And the commonality among the children? High midichlorian levels. In doing so, the emperor has harnessed unthinkable levels of dark force, which has given him boundless power and extended long life.

Young Desh realizes that he and everyone else has been living in a false world under the complete domination and control of a supremely malevolent overlord. He decides that he must be free, he must free others, and at all costs, the emperor must be stopped!

In his dying breath, the Keeper of Records reveals that when Desh was an infant, he'd tested a very high midichlorian level. But instead of being brought to the Emperor as all other similar children were, the Keeper managed to rescue him before the Emperor learned of it.

In a world where everyone is hopelessly complacent and relentlessly addicted to Thrillz and Chillz, young Desh must learn the ways of the force, and find a way to ignite a revolt.
A horror movie where something goes horribly wrong and a colony of midi-chlorians start taking over their host beings and force them to do terrible things to each other.
Pre-Jedi or far into the future. I don't want to see anything familiar. For a story with limitless potentially, it's one of the most boxed in franchises there is.
Baby Yoda is grown up and leading the mandalorians back to power. They encounter the descendants oft he rey jedi who claim to be people they aren't and have too many lightsaber colors.
A horror movie where something goes horribly wrong and a colony of midi-chlorians start taking over their host beings and force them to do terrible things to each other.
I’d pay to see this

Thinking outside the box
Baby Yoda grows up and struggles with alcoholism. It will be slow character study without any action scenes or spaceships and mostly taking place in a hut.
Baby Yoda grows up and struggles with alcoholism. It will be slow character study without any action scenes or spaceships and mostly taking place in a hut.
You mean they are adapting my life story?
I think they should either set the next films a ways in the future when the Sith re-emerge or far in the past during the Old Republic. The new films are ass, so may as well leave all of that baggage behind and start fresh.
The new trilogy is done. Lack of a plan made it problematic...

Now we need:

- New characters

- New settings. New planets, new ships.

- New story ideas. Maybe not making it a trilogy would be a good idea.
Here is my wish list:

- No super weapon

- No mcguffin that's key to the plot

- No family relationships

- No stupid kids

- minimal fan service- light sabers, bad guys in black suits, and other things you know.

The focus should be on a good story with an eye to limiting the space magic Force use to convenience the script writing.

What's on your list, fellows?


I do not want to see any more star wars films. I don't see why people wait for the day we get another great star wars movie. Its not going to happen. I love the original trilogy, and even liked the prequel trilogy. But what Disney have done to it has destroyed it for me. The way the straight white male is being removed from anything Disney, which is racist and sexist, and the way they shoehorn nonsense stories together, means star wars died the minute lucas gave up and sold it. I mean ffs, lucas selling it was him giving up. Why do fan nerds and geeks insist star wars is anything more than flogging a dead horse?