Let’s go! Angela Hill fighting tonight.

Hill is too much for Ducote right now.
Hill is the type of guy to lose a split decision shadow boxing.
the crowd is having more fun doing a wave. imagine how much it must suck having to suffer thru this live after u paid for a ticket. its bad enough watching it on the computer
Hill looked great.

Fun fight .

Her clinch work was really good.

Get her back to the interview desk. She’s good there too.
Wow what a banger. She shouldof been cut years ago. Along with the entire womens division. It is ruining every event.

the crowd is having more fun doing a wave. imagine how much it must suck having to suffer thru this live after u paid for a ticket. its bad enough watching it on the computer


But it was good fight. A dominant clinic. What’s the issue?
Hill totally out-classes most UFC newcomers - honestly, she needs some HESPECT, damn it.
Fun fight .
Get her back to the interview desk. She’s good there too.