Leo Vieira leaves Brasa


What about Ricardinho? Is the VB team split?


When Comprido and Felipe Costa split off last year I thought this would just be a small thing but now, with Vieira leaving his own team...

Interesting. I wonder if he still in going to open a school in OC? Best of luck to him
I don't think it is true, and your link does not work...
source Professor of Brasa Fight Zone - Chico Mendes.


Mate, the only thing I see in the Fight Zone community says "volta leozinho" - come back leozinho - it is related to begging Leozinho to compete in BJJ again, nothing related with him leaving. I do think Brasa might split soon, but Chicao, and Ricardinho Vieira (as well as Galvao) would leave with him if that happened.
Brasa Team Splits

It is quite normal part of the progress, a new or old team grows big and eventually personalities and priorities break them apart. it has happened to just about any major team but now is seesms that growing pains are causing turmoil at Brasa Team. Rumblings and rumors of Brasa team's internal strife started circulating a few months ago. Now the rumors appear to be solid with the team perhaps spliting. Brasa has been in a state of flux for some time and after the poor showing at the Worlds the team leaders have been talking and the apparent end result is that there will be a split and re-structuring of the team. Although everyone in the team is still tight lipped about it, we hope that soon we will have statements from various parties about the new direction of the team etc

The guys are in this cause they love it AND they want to make as much money as possible! If he gets a better offer he'll be changing again ... I understand completely.

Man, I'm hoping we can get a group here in charlotte that can sweeten the pot enough to propose a Charlotte branch of BTT/Carlson Gracie Team!!!

It will happen ... eventually.
Oh nos! Whatewver will we do?!
From what I understand, my instructor said a lot of the Brasa guys are starting to focus more on mma whereas leo and ricardinho, etc, want to maintain focus on bjj. For this reason they decided to leave.

I'm sure there are other reasons but this is supposedly a major factor.