Lena Dunham: I Still Haven't Had An Abortion, But I Wish I Had."

Thats because you gotta have a guy willing to fuck you first, you ugly fat slobbinly cunt.
If I had fucked that ugly cow, I'd want her to get an abortion as well.
No dude, I just find the fact some actress on a show nobody watches, rustles the shit out of the right, extremely funny.
I can taste the salty tears every Dunham thread that is posted. She is fat, unattractive and terrible at her craft.
I will give you a pro-tip, nobody gives a flying fuck about her, but alt righters. She is playing your ass, to stay in the news. Her show gets shit ratings, she is a sub par actress and has decided to go the Khardasian route in the fact any headlines, no matter how shitty is good for her career. How do you feel about getting played, playa?
Dont worry, I will laugh my ass of at the next Dunham thread on Sherdog.
TBH, I am no fan, but am tired of her clogging up my war room threads.

Good cover.

You're "not a fan". Just had to clarify that, didn't ya? Don't worry, we all believe you...
I will give you a pro-tip, nobody gives a flying fuck about her, but alt righters.
We don't care about her either. The solipsistic celebration of her sadistic perversions serve simply as the epitome of everything wrong with modern Western culture. That makes underlining her repulsiveness useful to us.
Well, in Lena Dunham's case, I honestly think an abortion is the only moral choice.
In fact, I think there should be legislative barriers, protecting the world against the potential results of her reproduction.
My daughter turned 1 year old at midnight Pacific time today. Aborting the most beautiful thing on this planet was never an option. I saw her tiny body on an ultrasound when people still abort, and she was a human. She was not a clump of cells. Fuck everyone who would murder the most vulnerable.

Dog food, red road clay and retardation
Stupid ugly wench....can't wait for leftist dumbfucks like this to be wiped from public opinion and pushed into career sub-mediocrity

She and her like are complete tools; but what makes you think they're going anywhere?

Cos Trump was voted in? Lol

This nuttery is going nowhere.
I don't believe abortion equates to murder (not going to debate that on here again, it's pointless) but that doesn't make her statement any less batshit to me.
disgusting looking human.

Sorry to sound snobby, but who the fuck would throw a gauge of manfat up that?