Relationship Least sexual day

Are you sure he wasn't talking about his "beast sexual lay" or something? That man's spelling is a little suspect.
Hey guys, hey. Thanksgiving has officially come to an end and I was once again talking to @NoGoodNamesLeft and we had a discussion on some hard-hitting stuff. I think Thanksgiving is the LEAST sexual day of the year. Nobody is making sweet love after all the food. I think it's questionable if I could physically do it. What say you Thanksgiving the least sexual day of the year? My belly is rounded and sweaty. Don't look at me.
You know being full and fat is a fetish. Probably tons of sex on Thanksgiving.

They're in the mail, I didn't send them express. So they should arrive between now and 2051.

Oh, that seems like an odd range. Thank you for the update.

Every day with me is the least sexual day, because Im ugly as sin.
My wife has to put a bag over my head, im ashamed of myself.

I need a hug.

You're an artist and don't need to be attractive. Brooding souls are hot to women. I have a semi just by reading this, pookie bear.
Oh, that seems like an odd range. Thank you for the update.

You're an artist and don't need to be attractive. Brooding souls are hot to women. I have a semi just by reading this, pookie bear.

My dick is only 2 inches long, but I got the head of a corn muffin.

Im hard as ice but you can't by looking at my pants :(
Hey guys, hey. Thanksgiving has officially come to an end and I was once again talking to @NoGoodNamesLeft and we had a discussion on some hard-hitting stuff. I think Thanksgiving is the LEAST sexual day of the year. Nobody is making sweet love after all the food. I think it's questionable if I could physically do it. What say you Thanksgiving the least sexual day of the year? My belly is rounded and sweaty. Don't look at me.
@wushu likes a woman who can eat so no
We had thanksgiving dinner at 2pm so there was plenty of time for it to settle. The wife said goodnight to the kids at 10pm and immediately came downstairs with her top off. Yada yada yada and now I’m really tired today.
We had thanksgiving dinner at 2pm so there was plenty of time for it to settle. The wife said goodnight to the kids at 10pm and immediately came downstairs with her top off. Yada yada yada and now I’m really tired today.

August has more birthdays than any other month, so I think a lot of people bang on Thanksgiving.
  • 9 out of 10 of the most common birthdays are in September.

  • However, August is the most commmon birth month, with an average of 361,709 August babies each year in the United States.

  • February is the least common birth month, with avereage of 316,891 babies born in February annually.

  • Tuesday is the most common day of the week for births in America.

  • The highest percentage of births occur at 8 a.m. and noon.

  • There were 3,659,289 births in the United States in 2021

  • The ratio of sexes at birth is 1.05 males per 1 female in the U.S. ratio of sexes at,1 female in the U.S.