OK, I need help from you guys to help me settle an argument I had with a non-grappler friend of mine. Long story short:
He's way into golf, so we were talking about what it would be like to take a lesson from a sports legend like Tiger Woods or Jack Nicklaus, such as whether it would be worth it because they're so advanced and he's just an average golfer, "coolness" factor, how much you'd pay for it, etc. I tried to compare it to training with a legend in grappling...just one lesson, not regular training.
So to all the Sherdoggers out there who care to comment:
1) How much would YOU PAY (not how much does it cost) to take a 1-hour lesson with someone like Rickson, Royce, Helio?
2) Do you agree/disagree that it would be worth it for just an average recreational grappler (since most of us would be better off spending that money on a few months of training the basics with otherwise qualified non-legend instructors...I, for one, don't need to learn fancy advanced moves in 1 hour that I may not see or use, ever, or at least until I've trained for several more years)?
3) Do you agree/disagree that the "coolness" factor of being able to train even once with a legend makes it worth it (e.g. you can get a picture/autograph to hang on your wall, not to mention the story to tell your buddies), or is that just like being a star-struck schoolgirl hoping to meet Ricky Martin and willing to pay crazy money to do so?
I said it would be a once-in-a-lifetime chance to do a private with a legend like Rickson, like taking a 1 hour boxing lesson from Tyson or Holyfield. Cool experience, pick up a few tips, worth the money.
He said it would be better and cheaper to request an autographed picture by mail or just find him on the street and say, "Hi," and that it would be better to just save the dough for regular lessons/mat fees, and keep practicing the things I know I need to practice anyway.
What do you think?
He's way into golf, so we were talking about what it would be like to take a lesson from a sports legend like Tiger Woods or Jack Nicklaus, such as whether it would be worth it because they're so advanced and he's just an average golfer, "coolness" factor, how much you'd pay for it, etc. I tried to compare it to training with a legend in grappling...just one lesson, not regular training.
So to all the Sherdoggers out there who care to comment:
1) How much would YOU PAY (not how much does it cost) to take a 1-hour lesson with someone like Rickson, Royce, Helio?
2) Do you agree/disagree that it would be worth it for just an average recreational grappler (since most of us would be better off spending that money on a few months of training the basics with otherwise qualified non-legend instructors...I, for one, don't need to learn fancy advanced moves in 1 hour that I may not see or use, ever, or at least until I've trained for several more years)?
3) Do you agree/disagree that the "coolness" factor of being able to train even once with a legend makes it worth it (e.g. you can get a picture/autograph to hang on your wall, not to mention the story to tell your buddies), or is that just like being a star-struck schoolgirl hoping to meet Ricky Martin and willing to pay crazy money to do so?
I said it would be a once-in-a-lifetime chance to do a private with a legend like Rickson, like taking a 1 hour boxing lesson from Tyson or Holyfield. Cool experience, pick up a few tips, worth the money.
He said it would be better and cheaper to request an autographed picture by mail or just find him on the street and say, "Hi," and that it would be better to just save the dough for regular lessons/mat fees, and keep practicing the things I know I need to practice anyway.
What do you think?