Knee Pain when Squatting


Seauxthern Dead
Jun 12, 2007
Reaction score
Hey, I got a NEW one!

Has anyone ever experienced knee pain when squatting that is right behind the kneecap? It takes a couple squats to get the pain going, but it even starts under bodyweight/hindu squats. I only feel it when the knee bends under load.
hmm I get something like that except it's kinda right above the knee cap. Have you tried massaging the ligament and tendon around the knee cap during your sets? As long as I do the massaging I get no knee pain.
After I do squats, even bodyweight ones, I can press and rub on the top of the knee cap and get pain.
I've only been squatting once a week and not deadlifting at all recently because my shoulder is fucked. That's why this is surprising.

Should I work through it do you think, or take off completely besides running?
Sounds like bone on bone. Are you eating enough kiwi?
i recently got this problem (pain behind knee). it was due to shifting to that side when decending on the squat and then coming out of the hole i would shift back to even or to my right side.
Richmond you're like the bad guy from Unbreakable.
All my friends are here right now and laughed real loud at that Klotz.

Someone tell me more about shift during descent. I bet I do that.
Go to search: anterior knee pain (iselect articles don't worry about the forums). You will find at least a half a dozen ways to help it including ankle mobility drills, hip mobility drills, foam rolling, etc.

Also check your form. One thing I've seen a lot with people whose knees knees hurt when they squat is they initiate the movement by bending their knees not their hips.
Remembering to wear knee sleeves to keep the joint warm?
I take anti inflamatories if my knee pain gets too bad. My ortho explained that there is soft tissue under the knee cap that can become enflamed and create pain in the knee. I get it when I run too much and continue lifting heavy loads.
It has been difficult to control if I am squatting heavy consistently. The only way to manage it is to be on top of how my body feels, use ice after running or squatting heavy, and take medicine when needed to minimize the inflamation.
try cissus with vitamin C....if it's a ligament issue it may help...

hows your form on squats?

applying heat to the area may help, alternating heat/cold may help, cryo therapy can help....ibuprofen can ease the inflammation...
same problem, if not, then similar.

i'm seeing an ortho tuesday. if he can't do anything useful, i'm seeing a specialist who does ART soon after.
I take anti inflamatories if my knee pain gets too bad. My ortho explained that there is soft tissue under the knee cap that can become enflamed and create pain in the knee. I get it when I run too much and continue lifting heavy loads.
It has been difficult to control if I am squatting heavy consistently. The only way to manage it is to be on top of how my body feels, use ice after running or squatting heavy, and take medicine when needed to minimize the inflamation.

The solution is obvious. Stop running so much.
that's what you get you all, when squatting below parallel ahah.
quarter squats ftehw
This is probably completely useless for you since you've got plenty of experience but where is your knee while you are squatting? Is it coming past your toes at all? A lot of people I've worked with have complained of knee pain due to their knee pushing too far forward.

Probably doesn't apply to you, but double check it next time you are squatting.