King Colby to Visit White House and Present President Donald J. Trump with the UFC Welterweight Belt

  • Thread starter AronaBeatsJones
  • Start date
Not fitting for a King.

Covington wouldn't last one season on Game of Thrones.
If he does win then i love if he did this, this is how he can piss people off & get real media attention on him. I wonder if he then goes full racist vs Woodley in the buildup hahah.
The only way Colby ever becomes King of anything is if he inherits Conor's paper crown.
If he does win then i love if he did this, this is how he can piss people off & get real media attention on him. I wonder if he then goes full racist vs Woodley in the buildup hahah.
lol @ colby being big enough that anyone would care
hi donald, here's my second-place trophy
Funny how he mentions Cheetos and Trump in his recent statements.
Maybe they can make a video about John McCain being a virgin and a nerd.
Colby and trump partying would be entertaining as fuck !
He’ll convince Trump that Brazilians are really Mexicans in disguise and get them all kicked out.
Not surprising. He’s been sucking trumps dick mentioning his name in every interview lately that it was only a matter of time before trumps ego interviened and extended an invitation to the White House.
Good troll.

I think Trump might actually do it...He is a combat sports fan...and somewhat of an MMA fan......and Colby is basically a poorman's trump.....I can see trump doing it.

If he does...It will capture headlines which Trump loves....and Colby will gain a shitload of MAGA Dumbass fans...Win win for everybody involved.

Then Tyron vs Colby will be fucking huge because lots of White Nationalist will be on the side of Colby now LMFAO.

I'd be somewhat impressed if that actually happened, it would show how fully committed he is to his dreadful act.
Makes sense. Two trolls who trash talked their way to the top belong together.
Wouldn't he have to win a title first?
lol @ colby being big enough that anyone would care
The situation itself especially after the publicity the other teams got for not going would get him the media attention. Would actually be his best pr stunt to date. I don't think it would be some massive story or anything either because your right no one really gives a shit about colby at this point. But it would for sure get him way more publicity then he gets now