Originally posted by J-Garden
If Dolphins are as fucking smart as scientists make out, how come they always swin into the tuna nets. If someone wired up a big tuna net on my street, I sure as shit wouldn't walk into it and die. Stupid fucking dolphins.
Originally posted by Hound
Yes you instead walk into a pub and slowly kill your liver with inordinate amounts of booz and so are much wiser and more stylish than them.
Originally posted by J-Garden
This is my point, all i need to do is string up some old tuna nets next to my house, they'll blunder into them and die, all the while i live happily on bbqed dolphin steaks and my evil beer.
As for Wotan the guy is a loser, i heard he got bitched out by Shiva and shes a chick.
Originally posted by treelo
fuck flipper