Khabibs padded record

I totally agree with the premise that Khabib has a padded record.

TS took us up to 16 of his fights. I would say that almost none of them impress me or should even truly be counted. I would even say that Shalorus, Tavares and Trujillo are poor fighters also, although they are made to look like world-beaters when you compare them to his first 16 opponents.

With all that said, Tibau, Healy, dos Anjos, Johnson, Barboza and Iaquinta are good fighters. I would say he has beaten one elite name and that is dos Anjos, but even he was not yet in his true prime and was somewhat of a hot and cold top 15 fringe talent at the time. I've always respected Barboza's striking but I think he's also a little overrated as a fighter, one level below elite even on his best day.

Conor has beaten the better fighters, but not by much. Khabib didn't spend 95% of his career towering over opponents either, fighting much smaller guys to get an advantage over his opponents. Khabib has been known to have weight cutting issues, that much is true, but I think that is down to poor preparation - I don't think Khabib is huge comparing to his Lightweight opponents, he would actually look a little small at Welterweight in my opinion.
khabib striking has outstanding quality, conor really going to have watch this guy,
刘正风道:“这《笑傲江湖曲》倘能流传于世,我和曲大哥死也瞑目了。”令狐冲躬身从曲洋手中接过曲谱,放入怀中,说道:“二位放心,晚辈自当尽力。”他先前听说曲洋有事相求,只道是十分艰难危险之事,更担心去办理此事,只怕要违犯门规,得罪正派中的同道,但在当时情势之下却又不便不允,哪知只不过是要他找两个人来学琴学箫,登时大为宽慰,轻轻吁了口气。刘正风道:“令狐贤侄,这曲子不但是我二人毕生心血之所寄,还关联到一位古人。这笑傲江湖曲中间的一大段琴曲,是曲大哥依据晋人嵇康的《广陵散》而改编的。”曲洋对此事甚是得意,微笑道:“自来相传,嵇康死后,《广陵散》从此绝响,你可猜得到我却又何处得来?”令狐冲寻思:“音律之道,我一窍不通,何况你二人行事大大的与众不同,我又怎猜得到。”便道:“尚请前辈赐告。”曲洋笑道:“嵇康这个人,是很有点意思的,史书上说他‘文辞壮丽,好言老庄而尚奇任侠’,这性子很对我的脾胃。钟会当时做大官,慕名去拜访他,嵇康自顾自打铁,不予理会。钟会讨了个没趣,只得离去。嵇康问他:‘何所闻而来,何所见而去?’钟会说:‘闻所闻而来,见所见而去。’钟会这家伙,也算得是个聪明才智之士了,就可惜胸襟太小,为了这件事心中生气,向司马昭说嵇康的坏话,司马昭便把嵇康杀了。嵇康临刑时抚琴一曲,的确很有气度,但他说‘《广陵散》从此绝矣’,这句话却未免把后世之人都看得小了。这曲子又不是他作的。他是西晋时人,此曲就算西晋之后失传,难道在西晋之前也没有了吗?”令狐冲不解,问道:“西晋之前?” 曲洋道:“是啊!我对他这句话挺不服气,便去发掘西汉、东汉两朝皇帝和大臣的坟墓,一连掘二十九座古墓,终于在蔡邕的墓中,觅到了《广陵散》的曲谱。”说罢呵呵大笑,甚是得意。令狐冲心下骇异:“这位前辈为了一首琴曲,竟致去连掘二十九座古墓。”只见曲洋笑容收敛,神色黯然,说道:“小兄弟,你是正教中的名门大弟子,我本来不该托你,只是事在危急,迫不得已的牵累于你,莫怪莫怪。”转头向刘正风道:“兄弟,咱们这就可以去了。”刘正风道:“是!”伸出手来,两人双手相握,齐声长笑,内力运处,迸断内息主脉,闭目而逝。令狐冲吃了一惊,叫道:“前辈,刘师叔。”伸手去探二人鼻息,已无呼吸。仪琳惊道:“他们……他们都死了?”令狐冲点点头,说道:“师妹,咱们赶快将四个人的尸首埋了,免得再有人寻来,另生枝节。费彬为莫大先生所杀之事,千万不可泄漏半点风声。”他说到这里,压低了声音,道:“此事倘若泄漏了出去,莫大先生自然知道是咱们两人说出去的,祸患那可不小。”仪琳道:“是。如果师父问起,我说不说?”令狐冲道:“跟谁都不能说。你一说,莫大先生来跟你师父斗剑,岂不糟糕?”仪琳想到适才所见莫大先生的剑法,忍不住打了个寒噤,忙道:“我不说。”令狐冲慢慢俯身,拾起费彬的长剑,一剑又一剑的在费彬的尸体上戳了十七八个窟窿。仪琳心中不忍,说道:“令狐大哥,他人都死了,何必还这般恨他,糟蹋他的尸身?”令狐冲笑道:“莫大先生的剑刃又窄又薄,行家一看到费师叔的伤口,便知是谁下的手。我不是糟蹋他尸身,是将他身上每一个伤口都通得乱七八糟,教谁也看不出线索。”仪琳吸了口气,心想:“江湖上偏有这许多心机,真……真是难得很了。”见令狐冲抛下长剑,拾起石块,往费彬的尸身上抛去,忙道:“你别动,坐下来休息,我来。”拾起石块,轻轻放在费彬尸身上,倒似死尸尚有知觉,生怕压痛了他一般。她执拾石块,将刘正风等四具尸体都掩盖了,向着曲非烟的石坟道:“小妹子,你倘若不是为了我,也不会遭此危难。但盼你升天受福,来世转为男身,多积功德福报,终于能到西方极乐世界,南无阿弥陀佛,南无救苦救难观世音菩萨……”令狐冲倚石而坐,想到曲非烟于自己有救命之恩,小小年纪,竟无辜丧命,心下也甚伤感。他素不信佛,但忍不住跟着仪琳念了几句“南无阿弥陀佛”。

I don't know if it was because I just woke up or the slow build of reading this thread until this post, but it made me burst out laughing. Roflcopter.
Khabib is a damn good fighter. Should be pretty obvious by his UFC performances.
umm whos Ali Bagov fighting...??? Tito Couture Shogun Coleman were fighting top guys in the world, not scrubs on some underground russian promotion, big difference buddy

UFC vet Leandro Silva, Bellator vet Bubba Jenkins, and a few other notables. I’m not saying the dude faced top level competition, wha I’m saying is that to call 23 wins compared to 10 losses lackluster is a mischaracterization, even if that was acquired on the regional circuit.
He has a bit of a padded record, but his dominate wins over Barboza and RDA, who was/is top 3 at least in both LW and WW prove he's legit. There is also something to be said about beating who is in front of you, as Conor has losses to a Artemij Sitenkov, a can who fights in a lower weight class, Joe Duffey, who is a journeyman, and Nate Diaz, who is a fringe contender.
...and the level of competition in Russia is miles above Ireland.
Fight 26 times in your life and not lose.. Tell us how easy it was..
The guys in khabibs early career are better fighters than the irish bumbs conor fought. U act like he should have been top guys in russia.. guess what.. The bigger orgs took all the top guys just like they took khabib when he was on the rise. Its not like guys are awsome figters in small venues like he or any other fighter were fighting in. U also fail to mention all the sambo and combat grappling he was doing at the same time. No fighter from europe or the vicinity have top guys to face every fight. For all u know there were 20 guys that turned down fights w him. Do the same leg work on conor and his opposition... See what u find. Unkess u are in brazil Usa or japan u just arent gonna have as many top guys to face period. Some of the guys u mention and say how terrible they are... Are actually very good in combat sambo etc which is where they ascend from. The first 14 fights for conor.. U cant even find info really about the guys and he lost 2 of them..
Artemij Sitenkov... 15-16 9th fight .4-5 at the time.
Gary Morris 8-10..was his first fight
Mo Taylor. 0-1..only fight was conor
Stephen Bailey 0-2 2nd fight was conor
Connor Dillon.. 5-8 4th fight was conor.
I wont keep wasting my time on this but u can see how it goes for all young fighters.
Pretty funny how Conor fanboys can't decide whether they want to declare Khabib a monster and the best possible win or an overrated bum who has not done anything or fought anyone yet.
These are mutually exclusive, ya know. You can be both a great fighter and have a padded record.
Holy wall of Mt. Everest text batman

No way am I reading all dat

It's actually interesting and shouldn't take more than 5 mins.
A bunch of wins over random Dagestani nobodies and the only wins I can think of worth noting on his 26 fight win streak are Barbosa and Michael Johnson

Tell you what guys, if a fighter wants to start off, he should fight in Dagestan. Those guys Khabib fought were probably picked up somewhere in the mountains and the fights took place in some goat pasture or something.. Just insane.
His best win is Barboza. That should tell you all you need to know.

Conor will starch him.