Khabib was right...

I know this is only a joke right? Do you really think Connor threw with intent? if so, god help us
I think so. He threw it out of anger. In a right state of mind he would never hit an old guy for not drinkin his stupid whiskey.
so? the thread is about what khabib said about cowboy.
People like you will vanish like a ghost when khabib loses one day
Well youll just have to deal with me until then :D
I think so. He threw it out of anger. In a right state of mind he would never hit an old guy for not drinkin his stupid whiskey.
If Connor wanted to cave that old mans skull in with one punch he could have, to think otherwise is buffoonery and naivety
If Connor wanted to cave that old man skull in with one punch he could have, to think otherwise is buffoonery and naivety
people dont throw punches to not hurt someone. Esp when their drunk. That guy no sold it and kept on with his convo like it didnt happen
people dont throw punches to not hurt someone.
I could slap my girlfriend across the face to get her attention if she's being a disrespectful cunt, or I can literally send her to the morgue with one punch to the face.
It makes me shudder that people exist out in the world as ignorant as this.
Like I understand the hater joke that haha an old man took his punch but if you really believe in your heart that he threw as hard as he could then Jesus Christ you're a fool
I could slap my girlfriend across the face to get her attention
people dont throw punches to not hurt someone. Esp not to the face.

I didnt say he threw as hard as he could,but he threw it to hurt the guy for pissing him off.
people dont throw punches to not hurt someone. Esp not to the face.
If I'm drunk in a bar and some guy starts fucking with me I'm not throwing punches to end his life.
I'll choose to believe that you're just being a hater contrarian because I can't actually believe there's a grown man out there that thinks that that was a full-blown punch.
I get it, you hate Connor but Christ almighty don't embarrass yourself
Please tell us.
What kind of punches would you throw? ;)
doesn't matter buddy, i just don't like khabibs manager.... you saw the tweets from usmans twitter? that was his manager Ali.
I would respect khabib so much if he fired him after that.
but he won't.
doesn't matter buddy, i just don't like khabibs manager.... you saw the tweets from usmans twitter? that was his manager Ali.
I would respect khabib so much if he fired him after that.
but he won't.
Of course he wont. Not when the positives outweight the negatives. Ali is scumbag who is really good at his job. He needs to hire someone else handle the twitter accounts though,sweet jesus
I have a theory Donald didn’t dive for money. He dived so he wouldn’t get cut. Dude goes on about how he loves fighting, but his record is cut worthy. Throws a fight gets 7 more fights and maybe fair match ups?
yoooo...fair point but that is one revolting theory
I have a theory Donald didn’t dive for money. He dived so he wouldn’t get cut. Dude goes on about how he loves fighting, but his record is cut worthy. Throws a fight gets 7 more fights and maybe fair match ups?
Shit theory.
Name guys who will fight anybody are always in demand.
I could slap my girlfriend across the face to get her attention if she's being a disrespectful cunt, or I can literally send her to the morgue with one punch to the facel
watch out guys, we got a real badass over here.
khabib still lives with his parents, among other ridiculous stuff.

..... so any noises that come out of his mouth can be completely marginalized and discarded
He still lives with his parents (youngest son in dagestan culture stays with them) and still beat the shit out of conor ahahahha
hmm, weird cause he's married with 2 kids. here in the middle east we move out when we get married. Only other time i lived away is when i was a university student. got an apartment with the broskis right next to the gate. we wrecked that place when we left lol.