Khabib fat shames friend "This guy fight in KFC not UFC"

When i was growin up in the good ol usa most parents taught the kids not to let the words of others bother them... Wtf has happened lolol
internet happened, and online forums became the garbage cans of the internet :)
If you eat like a pig, don't cry when others call you a pig
Lol TS just announcing to the world that he is fat
internet happened, and online forums became the garbage cans of the internet :)

Yet you've been bothered by atleast 2 of my posts today lol

He comes from a culture where they put towels on womens heads to hide them. Do you think he gives two fucks about body shaming anyone?
KFC does a tournament fight at once.

Khabib is short and fat. It's all cool when a fat guy makes fun of other fatties.
Ha ha I'm not getting fired or sued trying that, no way.
Just wait until she's picking something up and snap a quick one. But make sure a)the phone is completely on Silent so it doesn't make that "snapping a photo" sound and b)act like you're reading or sending a text with no real interest in whatever she's doing.

So that we can laugh at her (lard ass or down shirt are equally hilarious).

I have vCash.

Just imagine a 5'1", 230 lb specimen with flaming red Ronald McDonald hair and a perpetually confused look on her face.

Don't tease me like this, scro.

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