Karate hottie is hottier without that awful long shirt

Plus why would you fuck a girl with a kid? How pathetic do you have to be?

There are millions of attractive girls that aren't ruined out there.
Virgin alert lol don't be so fussy, she's way too good for you
She's in the cage to fight, not look good for a bunch of idiots. She's wearing that shirt for a reason, it's not to do with looking good, there's a reason why WMMA fighters wear shirts like that during their fights sometimes and it's mostly out of convenience.
BREAKING: Attractive girls are more attractive without clothes.
Would not bang like that, she looks like a 13 year old girl afraid to show some flesh in the pool.

She's gorgeous, don't even try to play the whole "oh she's not great in a shirt" card.

Also, stop chatting shit about stretch marks, look at them abs! and she's a mother.

You cunts.
ya, have to admit it's mildly disappointing. she should fight with stiletto heels on or something.

as the song goes, she's too sexy for her shirt. so sexy it hurts.