Kamala Harris There’s a big difference between equality and equity.

A. Who knows? Budget cutting? Selling off treasury bonds? The narcotics trade? Im not a politician.

B. She never states what "ending up in the same place" means though. Maybe she means home ownership. Maybe she means having a successful job. Or receiving quality education. What is clear however is the central message: "its about giving people the resources and support they need". Hardly an endorsement for bread lines and working for the State.
I like how you optimistically think that ending in the same place couldn't possibly mean bread lines. Just the fact that the end game isn't fully defined in this cutesy video should be a red flag. Making stupid videos like this is how to make the braindead go along with the narrative. If she's able to make a voice clip for this particular add about how she wants to get everyone on an equal playing field she should be able to quickly summarize what the goal should be in her eyes.
A special kind of retarded is required to equate this Dem ticket with Karl Marx.
Even more special is the shit-for-brains poster who doesn’t even know who Marx is, yet trashes others who rightfully compare him to Kamala.

Hold your head high, for you really are that special.
Funny. I was always told growing up "life isn't fair."

It meant I had to do what I had to do to get what I wanted. And I didn't come from much at all. Everything I have now I earned myself.

Now apparently "life isn't fair" is actually a rallying point to cater to adult libtard babies.

Not everyone can drop their pants and slurp their way to a VP nomination. Someone should remind her
Redistribution of assets is Marxist at its core.

All you can do to have a functioning society is make sure everyone has equal opportunity. You can't force the endgame.

Sure you can. Just make sure anybody poor gets the money earned by people making over 100k a year. How can someone making that kind of money believe they should spend anything more than that on themselves? Those who have been beaten down by society and have nothing, need to be taken care of. The wealthy have a moral obligation to help, and if they’re too cruel not to, it’s the government’s job to step in and make things right.
Funny. I was always told growing up "life isn't fair."

It meant I had to do what I had to do to get what I wanted. And I didn't come from much at all. Everything I have now I earned myself.

Now apparently "life isn't fair" is actually a rallying point to cater to adult libtard babies.

There are millions of people who used to think just like you. Now they are out of work and receiving government assistance.

When black people finally got equal rights under the law, for every $100 a white family had, a black family had $5.04.

To act like a generational wealth gap can be corrected with no real action in 55 years is a bit ridiculous.

Your rock example is terrible. Highlighting individual outlier scenarios does nothing to solve systemic problems.
It's a great analogy. The Rock was able to surpass his white counterparts in far less than 55 years. To suggest that "systemic problems" cannot be corrected in a relativly short time with proper education and motivation is a farce. Our leftist education system and leftist forms of media have held a lot of people back (and that is on purpose).
Sure you can. Just make sure anybody poor gets the money earned by people making over 100k a year. How can someone making that kind of money believe they should spend anything more than that on themselves? Those who have been beaten down by society and have nothing, need to be taken care of. The wealthy have a moral obligation to help, and if they’re too cruel not to, it’s the government’s job to step in and make things right.

Try thinking more than one step ahead and you'll realize how ridiculous this sounds.
Equity requires tearing down the successful, not just raising up the unsuccessful, in order to achieve equal outcomes. Equity is evil and fundamentally un-American.

Kamala marx go away, snake!

Anyone who thinks : "Sounds like a good idea!" is a complete idiot with a mind of a teenager, much like Kamala Harris.
Pursuing equality of outcome is the most futile thing.
People want to hear this garbage because it gives them false hope.
Problem is this hot garbage is being fed into every new graduate from college. Even graduate degree holders are eating this shit up now. As they enter the workforce and gain prominence, this will be the new normal.
Problem is this hot garbage is being fed into every new graduate from college. Even graduate degree holders are eating this shit up now. As they enter the workforce and gain prominence, this will be the new normal.

Indoctrination at it's finest. Make everyone a victim of something but make some people more victims than others.
I can only hope that this shit will blow up on their faces at some point, when the leveraged incompetence starts to bear fruit.
It doesn't get*

sherdog is just one site on a list of many. Log on push the social justice ideologies then move on to the next site.

It's all about creating a single narrative and ensuring commie half baked intellectuals control the forums and comments sections.

It's painfully obvious it's here. I've seen the exact same disruptive and silencing tactics on other forums, like gun forums for example. Trust me they don't want us arming ourselves and grouping up.
Did the guy who once talk about his political enemies being heretics that he needs to burn just talk about being banned from a gun forum for saying some whacko shit? Fucking yikes.