Elections Kamala Harris for POTUS

It’s sad and pathetic that this forum now consists mainly of posting tweets

Thank you. As someone who tries to stay away from Twitter as much as possible, I really don't appreciate people bringing Twitter to here. Especially stupid low quality sound bites -- and I think I'm being real generous by describing the tweets this way.

Wish the forum had some better rules for discipline around this.
Bobby straight clowning kamala

Does he mock her for remaining married? You know, after he used brain worms to try to get out of alimony, claiming he couldn't work for a living, that's something you support? Only someone like you could care what that brain damaged dipshit thinks. You identify directly with him. As an incel you think that's the proper thing to do to your spouse, no doubt.
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In a word, "CHAOS"..! If administration staff weren't resigning left & right they were being fired. Only the best people Trump once roared, only to say they were the worst and dumb as a rock and didn't know what they were doing, yet this is the man you believe has a plan?
Americans say they were better off under Trump than Biden. That is a fact. A fact Kamala Harris fails to address.
. There was no border crisis under Trump.
. There was no inflation under Trump.
. There wasn't a war in Ukraine or Israel under Trump.
. There were no sanctuary cities now facing high crime under Trump.
. There was no weaponization of the DOJ and FBI under Trump.
. Iran was locked tight in a box with no funding under Trump.
What does this even mean? What is a MARXIST professor?
If you don't know, I can't help you. Harris was influenced by her father's ideology.
Again, reality: Biden can't "put her in charge of the border."
He did. Where were you when that happened? Do I need to show you a video from YouTube?
Why can't a President put a Vice President in charge of something. What is a Vice President for?
lol and no, you can't just sign a paper and close the border.

Biden issues new executive action: Much of southern border to close at midnight​

If that's all it took, why didn't Trump do that?
The border was closed under Trump.
Trump was right. This is what happens when you criticize Biden's (Harris) immigration policy and sanctuary city status.
What a bunch of bogus charges. Just like what they did with Trump.
Americans say they were better off under Trump than Biden. That is a fact. A fact Kamala Harris fails to address.
. There was no border crisis under Trump.
. There was no inflation under Trump.
. There wasn't a war in Ukraine or Israel under Trump.
. There were no sanctuary cities now facing high crime under Trump.
. There was no weaponization of the DOJ and FBI under Trump.
. Iran was locked tight in a box with no funding under Trump.
Gas was well under $2 per gallon, milk and food was also much more affordable.
It's a little weird.
Harris says 'If you vote for me, I'll do this and that'
While she has been in power for 3,5 years.
Why didn't she do it before ?
Sums her up perfectly, did Nothing but backed Joe crushing the economy.

"Green" Plans to Kill all USA energy independence plans, constantly cackled and bragged "Bydenomix Is Working" while every hard working American watched their savings be steadily depleted. Their rising Bydenomix inflation numbers, the worst in decades, was in step with her One and Only VP Job as "Border Czar".

Texas and Arizona, we hate what Dems allowed Myorkas to do, treasonous AF.

Keep that flow going Kamala! It's alright if women and children are raped, murdered, and enslaved. It's alright if Fentanyl kills another 100,000 Americans next year and destroys millions of lives. It's alright if housing goes through the roof and our supply chains is broken. After all... when you can do this as well... you seize power and control and that's what counts.

If Americans won't vote for Big Government Globalism, then it's time to get new Americans. The U.S. Constitution will be a relic soon enough.
I thought this was an amazing question by multibillionaire "5.7 billion dollars" Mark Cuban to a number of Trump supporting businessmen: Do you actually know of a startup Trump invested in that did not involve any of his family members? Not a one could think of any that Trump invested in that does not have a family member in any part of the company, Even bitcoin thing and watches apparently have a connection to his family. Mark said he has tons of companies ether tired or independent of shark tank.

Keep that flow going Kamala! It's alright if women and children are raped, murdered, and enslaved. It's alright if Fentanyl kills another 100,000 Americans next year and destroys millions of lives. It's alright if housing goes through the roof and our supply chains is broken. After all... when you can do this as well... you seize power and control and that's what counts.

If Americans won't vote for Big Government Globalism, then it's time to get new Americans. The U.S. Constitution will be a relic soon enough.

calm your KDS there skippy.
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You offer nothing of substance to 10's of thousands of murderers and rapists allowed in to the U.S.A. by Kamala Harris our Border Czar?

i'll bet they're even eating your dogs too!

and your border czar hey? i didn't know that kamala harris was involved in policing the border. what position did they give her again? and what are her duties? perhaps get off of catturd's twitter feed, quit crying about your future president, and maybe offer something of substance and try being honest this time.
i'll bet they're even eating your dogs too!

and your border czar hey? i didn't know that kamala harris was involved in policing the border. what position did they give her again? and what are her duties? perhaps get off of catturd's twitter feed, quit crying about your future president, and maybe offer something of substance and try being honest this time.

Maybe they are eating dogs, but that pales in comparison to them murdering Americans, raping women, and enslaving children. I see you have little issue with any of that as long as the Democrats maintain power and control.
Maybe they are eating dogs, but that pales in comparison to them murdering Americans, raping women, and enslaving children. I see you have little issue with any of that as long as the Democrats maintain power and control.

cool KDS bro, but again i didn't know that "our border czar" kamala harris was involved in policing the border. what position did they give her again? and what are her duties?
this is so fucked up that i dont even know where i should put it. but don't vote for kamala i guess, because it's not just the dogs and the cats. they're eating our babies! they're drinking our blood! they're eating our flesh!
