Just watched "Unforgiven".


Plutonium Belt
Jul 28, 2010
Reaction score
Morality? What the fuck is that?

That's the overall message I got. Not in a bad way, mind you. Just an "it is what it is" kind of way. This is not the first time I have seen this, but I think my impressions are well funded to a degree. This movie is brilliant in it's simplicity.

What say you, Sherdog?
Great flick one of Eastwoods best
You must be watching AMC, its been Eastwood day today.
Good flick

Dat ending
Love that movie. It was about damn time that an Eastwood western got some recognition from Hollywood after 30 years.
Man, I need to re-watch that. It's probably been close to 20 years.
Awesome western...and I generally hate westerns.
Man, I need to re-watch that. It's probably been close to 20 years.

You sure do need to re-watch it. I think most have it pinned down as some boring movie they watched as a kid. Myself included. Any cinephile would be doing themselves a disservice to not watch it again. It's an awesome flick, and I think it's themes still resonate today.

Great movie.
Hackman is so good in that. 10/10 film.
Well, it is an anti-western. That's what makes it great.

Agreed. Came in to say this.

In any other Western, a guy gets shot in the stomach and dies instantly. In Unforgiven, he screams and wails as he crawls under a rock and begs for water, and then the shooters have to negotiate whether he can have some water and die in less discomfort.

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