Let me tell you about REAL JUDO PRACTICES. I was an English teacher at a school in Japan that had won the national championship- Okinawa Shougaku in Naha, Okinawa.
I lived in the Judo dorm (it was an apartment building with extra rooms), although I was only a teacher. These guys trained HARDER than any highe school wrestling program I had ever participated in, and yes, I placed 3rd in the state of Florida for both freestyle and High School (Class 4A- 1994, State Tourney, 135 lbs.). We practiced from 2:30-5:30pm 5 days a week, with short pratices on Saturday, only during the wrestlings seasons. So, yes, I know what I am talking about.
These students trained, lived and slept Judo. They woke up at 5:30am, had breakfast, then practiced from 6am til 7:30am. they went to school, then they have practice again from 2:30-6pm.
Their routine consisted of Stretch/Cardio 2:30-3pm, newaza (ground work) and drills from 3-4pm. Stand up drill from 4pm-4:30ish. Then followed by 1.5 of INTENSE sparring with not only other team members, but the Okinawa SWAT team and various adult expert Judoka.
Those Japanese Judoka dedicate themselves at the high school level at the same level as college wrestlers do. So, to say that Judo practices are not as diificult and intense as wrestling is just plain wrong.
Maybe you are referring to the YMCA Judo schools that you may have seen, but real judo practices are as intense, if not more intense, than the average high school wrestling practice.