I'm not able to make new posts, something about http 5000 error. Could anyone here PLEASE copy and paste the following and make a new thread about it, and title it "Question for Judo Guys by Drew Foster"? PLEASE! Thanks guys. Here's my post:
Question guys
I've noticed that my Uchimata and Harai Goshi are just like the Camarillo brothers' and Jimmy Pedro's etc. I don't mean this to brag. But what I mean is, them, and myself, all have the same Kuzushi and Tsukuri for both throws. The ONLY difference between the two throws for me, and dave C, etc. is where my sweeping leg rises (in between the legs for Uchimata, or into the front thigh for Harai). In fact, many times I go for harai and their legs will widen and I'll hit Uchimata. Vice-versa happens as well and I end up with Harai.
I'm guessing part of this is due to the "hip" Uchimata that is so fashionable these days. rarely to I do the strictly leg to inner thigh variation. I always go in deep with my hips and maintain strong chest-to-chest contact. Dan Cam. even posted hee that he enters like Harai for his Uchimatas.
Am I wrong on this? i figure since world-class guys zkuzushi and fit-in the same way that what I'm doing is acceptable. Anyone else experience this?
IChinaMan, how about you? I know Uchimata is your fav, and we've takd about the hip method being our favorite.
Thanks fellas!