Jones should get on my enlarging calf regiment

Personal............ Instagram?

My google drive is full, instagram is a free version to upload pics. Got it!
If you want bigger calves get a jump rope

Thanks you please

As a fellow tiny calf member of society, I started building my calves about 12months ago and have seen amazing improvement!
I don’t even take protein powder as I am allergic to so much stuff. I was told you are stuck with little calves and that is not true at all. My calves
were ridiculed!

but then Jones would have a harder time making 205 :) i think Tito once said his little legs helped him make 205.

are you allergic to pea, rice, or hemp? there are so many protein powder varieties out there now.
What lifts? Series of calf raises?

5-10 sets both sited machines and standing
15-20 reps
Weight : 200lbs

At the end of work out

5-10 sets
8-12 reps
Weights 400lbs

Ps. Be creative with other work outs of your own

-Squat while goin all the way up with you calf muscles
-Walk every forcing calf muscles
The calf muscle needs attention like a lady
but then Jones would have a harder time making 205 :) i think Tito once said his little legs helped him make 205.

are you allergic to pea, rice, or hemp? there are so many protein powder varieties out there now.
That is a good point! Yeah I am will start trying a few different sources
5-10 sets both sited machines and standing
15-20 reps
Weight : 200lbs

At the end of work out

5-10 sets
8-12 reps
Weights 400lbs

Ps. Be creative with other work outs of your own

-Squat while goin all the way up with you calf muscles
-Walk every day forcing calf muscles
The calf muscle needs attention like a lady