Jones looked great yesterday


Double Yellow Card
Mar 13, 2016
Reaction score
He showed more skilled striking then ever before against a good striker and the biggest opponent he's faced to date. Also hard to do considering Ovince wasn't engaging and was just walking backwards the whole time keeping his distance. Hard to get a stoppage in that situation.

He pretty much dominated from start to finish showing no more than 2 seconds of being in trouble in the entire fight.

IMO Jones looked as sharp as ever.
I don't agree with TS. OSP looked bad and Jones didn't look like his usual self. Imo.
He looked just ok, but Just Ok Jones is pretty fucking good.
He looked fine when he was being aggressive. He needs to use his wrestling more.
Was it a kick that broke his arm? I thought it was the slam
Jones was picking up OSP with ease and slamming him, that's the first time I remember him using that type of take down. So it seems he is much stronger.
yeah, but OSP was gassed after 2 rounds...

OSP looked terrible tho, 3 weeks notice to his defence, but stil....
Don't forget Jones broke OSP's arm, but the takedowns were still nice. Nothing taken away from OSP.
He showed more skilled striking then ever before against a good striker and the biggest opponent he's faced to date. Also hard to do considering Ovince wasn't engaging and was just walking backwards the whole time keeping his distance. Hard to get a stoppage in that situation.

He pretty much dominated from start to finish showing no more than 2 seconds of being in trouble in the entire fight.

IMO Jones looked as sharp as ever.

He looked alright, definitely not as great as ever. But after all the shit he's been thru to dominate a championship fight for 5 rounds is still impressive.
He won easily without much of an effort, but i believe that if would have let loose a bit more had been more aggressive he would have stopped OSP early.

I don't understand why some are praising OSP for his performance. Horrible imo.
Looked like he fought extremely safe as to not get injured or caught. Barely threw any punches, probably wanted to keep his hands as injury free as possible for UFC 200.
looked like a jerk trying to win a fight with unconventional attacks that would cause more long term injury damage oposed to fight winning kinds. But it's efectiv. just side kick the knee all day and noone can get close to you. Looked like the same jones i've always known i wish osp just went full in eyepokes and nut shots and small joint manipuation ot break jones's fingers aso he keeps his hands closed