You ever had a bad tooth infection? I had an abcessed molar and it was the worst pain I experienced in my life. I was out of my town too, it was a weekend and I couldn't get to a doctor. By the time I got in to see a dentist I couldn't open my jaw and it felt like my throat was closing. They pulled it out immediately, my whole jaw swelled up after like I got kicked in the face, I also couldn't open my jaw for a week. I only got by that weekend because luckily enough the lady I was seeing had a full bottle of oxycodone. I wouldve blown my brains out otherwise. All started from a broken tooth that was fine and caused no pain until it wasn't fine anymore.
I'd assume Lineker is somewhere along these lines, if not worse. Being a fighter and as tough as he is getting his face bashed in for a living. I feel his pain, it was one of the worst experiences of my life.