Jiujitsu or judo

loc goblin

Blue Belt
Jun 1, 2008
Reaction score
whats do you guys think is better after seeing this I was surprised to see these judo players pulling of subs like this. I think jiujitsu is more detailed but these guys know there stuff . opinions please from people that actually know a little something about judo please respond with your thoughts
Judo Submission clinic : MatRatz.com
whats do you guys think is better after seeing this I was surprised to see these judo players pulling of subs like this. I think jiujitsu is more detailed but these guys know there stuff . opinions please from people that actually know a little something about judo please respond with your thoughts
Judo Submission clinic : MatRatz.com

The question isn't one of better or worse, but what do you want from it? If you want to throw people do judo, if you want to submit them BJJ. You will get some subs in judo and some takedowns in BJJ but it is clearly not the focus.
Pretty sick video

Judo Groundwork REALLY depends on the school...they can range from great if instructor crosstrained BJJ, or nonexistant (if you ask them how to pass guard, they'll just tell you to stand up so the ref restarts you)

even if that dojo's ground game is nonexistant..doesn't hurt to learn it, it'll help you pick up BJJ later. it's a great art but keep in mind that there's holes in the art the practitioner himself is responsible for patching up(by crosstraining Greco-Roman/Freestyle or BJJ )
I do both....

When people ask me I usually reply in terms of their age...

I find Judo to be much more difficult to pick-up the older one is, it takes a lot of patience and a it's very hard on the body...

Teenager: Judo

20+: BJJ
Funny you should ask this today, i do both and I just spent the whole judo session today going over armbars by a 7th dan former olympic medalist guest instructor at my judo club. lots and lots of detail. But in general, the above comments are fair and correct.
Most judo clubs are okayish for ground work but the main difference is they focus on subs from judo typical situations and you will seldom learn combinations etc.
BJJ imho but its really preference and whose teaching you
I agree with other posters...do both if you have the opportunity. It will only help you in the long run.
dig up the huge thread that had dave camrillo post in it, frm like a month ago,=.
That depends. Do you mean technique-wise, or in general?

There are a lot of people who practice Judo techniques, but only a small amount who actually practice Judo.
Yeah, you should do both as they both are great marial arts that offer many practical techniques.
Funny you should ask this today, i do both and I just spent the whole judo session today going over armbars by a 7th dan former olympic medalist guest instructor at my judo club. lots and lots of detail. But in general, the above comments are fair and correct.
Most judo clubs are okayish for ground work but the main difference is they focus on subs from judo typical situations and you will seldom learn combinations etc.

Cool, who was it?
i loved bjj at first, but now I can't get enough of judo, try both you'll never know what direction life points you in, its kinda funny that way.
I've done both at strict schools and found myself wanting BJJ more. I'd always look forward to the newaza section of the class more than anything.
